All about “the big chop” with Des

Before and After

My awesome brainiac of a  cousin Desthea “Des” has recently decided to embrace the curl and cut off all her hair.

Des is really great, we get along like a house on fire. She is part mechatronics student, part paint/sketch artist, part photographer and completely crazy, which makes her even cooler 🙂
I chatted to her about what the big chop meant to her.

Why did you decide on the big chop?

I felt like I needed change, and there’s just something about cutting  your hair that makes you feel and look different. It has nothing to do with the fact that I like, or am obsessed with, curly hair. Lol.

I used to believe that my hair should always be straight, blow dried and straightened, as its the norm. But I always opted for a wet look as it made my hair curly, and made me happy. So, after lots of thinking, I decided to cut my hair and go natural.  And I got my curls.

What was reaction?

Well, my reaction was,  ‘OMW, I got curls’.

But people, well, everyone has different opinions. I get questions like, ‘what were you thinking?’, ‘what’s that on your head?’, ‘why did you cut your hair?. And then I gt the postive, ‘I love your hair’, ‘you look so beautiful, natural’, ‘I also want my hair like that’, and so forth.

What is end result you are hoping for?

Well, curls, lots of curls. Just grow it and have a mane of curls. Big Hair. That’s my goal. The bigger, the better.

Has it been what u expected?

Yes, it definitely has. My growth game is strong. Heading towards my goal. No turning back.

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