My headline was a little click-baity I must admit BUT its true someone out there thinks you are an idiot. You probably think a bunch of people are idiots too…
Okay so maybe idiot is a bit harsh BUT think about it…
My headline was a little click-baity I must admit BUT its true someone out there thinks you are an idiot. You probably think a bunch of people are idiots too…
Okay so maybe idiot is a bit harsh BUT think about it…
Okay so there is a big chance you are starting your morning wrong!!!
Seriously doesn’t that sound like those annoying fb posts. The videos that say, “what she did, I can’t believe my eyes” HATE THAT
Anywho what I meant was, if you are into blogs (which you kinda have to be if you are reading this, well at least a little) you need to be checking out SA Mom Blogs.
Every morning or evening I grab a drink (mood dependent; wine for bad days, tea for cold days, hot chocolate for calories don’t count days) and go over to the FB group and settle down to a bunch of blogs.
What I love about the group is how different we all are, crafty moms, home schooling moms, business owners, breastfeeders, bottlefeeders… I can’t tell you who my favourite blogs are because it is kind of mood dependent, some days I want to know how to make diet snacks like these cookie dough fudge things from Laura, other days I want a laugh from one of Cindy’s list or some inspiration from Jonelle, I love Melanie , I’m pretty much obsessed with Maz and think me and Jozi are actually separated at birth or something. Heather who started it all, is always so thoughtful and I catch up with my local girls Megan, Luchae and Amelia on the regular…
I know I’m missing people like Cat and Namreen and … actually you know what, go HERE for the full list of mommas and a daddy 🙂
I have so much love for these people, and will probably awkwardly come up to them at an event sometime, HEY MEGAN, remember that? AWKS (is 30 too old to make awks happen?)
Blogging especially in SA where it’s suddenly “a dog eat dog”, “you can’t blog with us”, “we blog pink on Wednesdays”, kind of world (see what I did there? Mean Girls reference people) is scary. I find myself feeling out of my depth sometimes but these women have always made me feel like it’s okay to just be me and that right there is cool 🙂
Do go over and check out what everyone is up to. The FB Group is the easiest way to keep track, go there and show them love but don’t forget about me now, I’m needy like that!
Queue Dream Girl Music, *and you and you and you, your gonna love me*
Although my series on mom bloggers is technically over, I sometimes stumble across a blog I love and just HAVE to include, so I think that is exactly what I will do, I will keep on interviewing and sharing as we go along 🙂
On Thursdays I like to feature interesting people and today’s featured “mom who blogs” Nadine Rose Larter (Passing The Open Windows) is nothing if not interesting. She is a homeschooling mom and awesome author (featured her first book a while ago HERE) with such an unique look at life that I actually look forward to her fb statuses. She really is such a special soul and has agreed to have us pry into her life a little…
-Tell us a little about your family…
Well, we’re a family of five. I have one son and my husband has a son and a daughter. We all live together in one messy chaotic and often infuriating house.
-What do you do when not blogging?
Goodness. I think I’m mostly “not blogging”. I home school the three kids so I’m usually moaning at them to do their work. Otherwise I do a small bit of freelance writing and I try to work on a lot of fiction writing as well.
-What made you decide to blog?
I started blogging in 2009. I just wanted to write stuff. I started by blogging the first couple of chapters of my book, Coffee at Little Angels, and then kind of just meandered into blogging about whatever I felt like relatively quickly.
-What was your concept behind the blog?
Well back then it was supposed to be blog about me writing my novel. Now there isn’t much of a concept. It’s just another way to procrastinate instead of working on actual novels.
– Where does blog name come from?
It’s a John Irving reference from my favourite book, The Hotel New Hampshire. It basically means don’t commit suicide.
-Did you find yourself nervous at prospect of letting people into your life in this way?
No. I don’t. I’m not sure why I don’t. I suppose most people would. I like an open and honest dialogue though. I like being able to say what is on my mind. I like asking questions and discussing answers. Every now and then I get a nasty response but it’s not enough to shut me up.
-Do you ever worry that your child will be like “mom why are you exposing my life?” (I worry sometimes)?
Again, no. I don’t write much about my life as a parent or stepparent to be honest. I think if I had to delve in to that more then maybe I would start to worry. I write mostly about myself and what I’m thinking. A little narcissistic I guess. But that is my right. I hope my child will grow up to respect that. I hope he will grow up appreciating that I am a person too. Not just a mom.
-Does your family read your blog?
I think they do sometimes, but not always.
-What do you hope to achieve through the blog?
A little bit of sanity perhaps. Maybe some clarity. Sometimes I don’t always know how I feel about something until I write about it. So that helps. Putting yourself out there and being honest (and vulnerable) can be a great thing. I like to think that it might somehow help when it comes to finding like-minded people to spend more time with.
-What do you think about the blogging culture in South Africa?
I honestly have no opinion. Ok maybe I do have an opinion: I think that we have a lot to talk about and I think we could do it in a civilised way but instead we all act like idiots. Sure, there are a ton of mom blogs out there and they’re all cute and sweet and everyone’s offering a pat on the head and some gentle encouragement – great. But I sometimes wish we could be more real about stuff. I have yet to come across anything that made me feel like it might be bordering on progressive. I like to think something like that exists and that I just haven’t found it yet.
-What do you think makes for a “good blog”
I think writing what you want to write and being honest about it goes a long way in any world. I’m the wrong person to ask though. I’m not exactly trendy or with it!
-How do you personally measure success in the blogging world
I don’t measure it. I’m just doing what I do for me. My “success” is my own.
Follow Nadine here:
Thursdays are talk to interesting people days (about blogs or products) and it doesn’t get much more interesting than a fashion designing suburban working mom covered in tattoos…You know pregnant, with a 4-year-old running around while running a business and so cool you wish she’d ask you to sit with her during lunch…yes THAT interesting. I love Maz from Caffeine and Fairydust ‘s wit and passion for things. She has agreed to answer some questions for me, so today I’m cool by association
Tell us a little about your family…