When an amazing photographer asks to take pictures of your baby for her portfolio the answer is a resounding YES! Davene Prinsloo Photography specialises in weddings, but Davene is branching out into my passion – kiddies photography – and was looking for a model, so we jumped at the chance…oooh Aidy is a shmodel and I’m a stage mom, watch out toddlers and tiaras I KID I KID…But pictures came out stunning!!!! THANKS DAVENE!
You guys can actually win your own amazing photoshoot with her as she is running a competition to win a photoshoot to the value of R700 (information below) also go check out her blog fbpage or website
Category: brag book
Aidy is Five Monkeys old
Aidan is 5 months old today (It’s also his dads birthday, what a lovely coincidence) I can’t believe how he has grown, it’s crazy to think he was this frail lil thing just 5 months ago, God has truly blessed us:
Here is this month’s catch up 🙂
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Routine: Aidan is always tagging along to malls and so forth in one of his strollers (his grandad bought an extra one because ours was apparently cumbersome) He especially loves nature so going for a walk is always a winner. We have the bath and massage thing down now and provided I distract him enough he can even get dressed without much fuss, but two weeks ago he was sick and I let him sleep in our bed BAD MOVE because we can’t get him back into his room now….oops! Save me from stiff neck from not wanting to disturb him and a baby who things he is sleeping in a midnight buffet
LIKES AND DISLIKES: On doctors orders we started him on “solids” [I had hoped to wait till 6months but with reflux and him being a big boy doctor suggested sooner] He LOVES eating, and will grab food with his hand to shove in his mouth…Biggest problem with feeding is that he is so busy and will try to grab spoon from you and knock bowl out of your hand….His DISLIKES seem to be people raising their voices too much, he doesn’t like shouting, funny as he does it so often himself
My 3 month old :)
How is Aidan 3 months already?! Where had time gone?
Here is this month’s catch up;
APPEARANCE: Still not sure of Aidan’s eye or hair colour, seems to change often..he is a big boy and is completely out of newborn clothes and many of the 0-3 pieces are becoming too small now too.
PERSONALITY: Although Aidan is still pretty much a serious kid, he chats and laughs and smiles much more. He still gives stangers dirty looks but a friendly face can look forward to him stealing the show. With his curiosity in over drive you can expect him to put up quite a fuss if you obstruct his view…no head covering or turning towards your chest for this boy.
ROUTINE: Health wise he is doing so much better so he is a bit more predictable…its basically, play play fuss fuss sleep drink play fuss and tons of spitting up in between. On good days he even soothes himself to sleep.
LOVES: he still licks everything but now he can bring more things to his mouth . . .spit everywhere…he loves sticking his hands in his mouth and kicking blankets off has become a game (to him-its annoying really) and also loves changing time.
DISLIKES: He can’t stand bath time or being held tightly, he is not a fan of cuddles, you basically need to act like furniture so he can lay or lean against u-he is very independent like that (or is bbfthat bossy? Hehe)
MOM: Sadly it is almost time for work 🙁 but hey you have to get back to the real world I guess…I’m still pretty bumed about my size but am at least dressing better and am even in heals again 🙂 go me :p
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Two months already?!
Aidan was officially two months on Wednesday but instead of celebrating we are spent the day at the hospital where they ran a battery of tests to try and figure out why feeding our little man is so traumatic…(really bad reflux and needed to rule out other problems also xrayed chest to make sure it all healed) he was such a trooper I was beaming with pride…
Here is this month’s catch up;
APPEARANCE: weighing 5.45kg and 59cm tall he is certainly growing well and turns out he has dimples (you can see when he smiles,which isn’t that frequent yet)
PERSONALITY: He has been sick so it is not easy to say what he is like, but when he is not feeling poorly Aidan can talk and kick up a storm…he has the cutest smiley face but you don’t get to see it often as he has to take a liking to you first , everyone including toys get his “frowny confused” or “stop annoying me” look though. He gets his selective socialising from his dad. *can’t look face*
ROUTINE: There is currently no routine because he is sick, mostly it is trying to console him and checking on him so he doesn’t choke on his spit up. He is awake much more now though and so cute
LOVES: Licking things! He has new lizard-like habit of tasting things, mostly his blanket, hands and my tops, whenever he is settled and content its almost a given that his tongue will poke out soon.
DISLIKES: Being tired! The scratching and kicking is getting old in my opinion but that’s how he settles *yawn*
FIRSTS: He stands on his very strong legs when being held and lifts head during tummy time…he grabs hold of things, smiles and laughs (when he feels like it) and copies you when stick out your tongue or make “kissy face”
MOM: I’m finally getting out and even went to a party last week.. But generally I just hang out with Aidy and the “bed head” look I’m sporting is not cute or ironic, I just don’t have time…really want to take up jogging and squash again though (not a fan of my current size) but will need to wait for Aidy to feel better…
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Aidan at one month old
This post is long overdue, in fact although this is his “one month update” Aidan is actually six weeks old already. I always planned to do monthly updates for his first year (a less sad version of what I did for year after Logan’s birth) and although I’m a bit late I figure better late than never 😉
Aidan Jesse Meyers:
APPEARANCE: He is such a tall baby, or maybe he just seems that way because his mother is such a shorty. He has “filled out” nicely with chubby arms and legs slowly replacing his skinny limbs. He has a full head of hair and eyes still don’t have a definite color
PERSONALITY: He is quite the moody one but is mostly an adorable cooing little thing who tries to make conversation with you and “shouts” at his toys. You can definitely see any displeasure on his face though. He has no patience and will scream his little head off when he needs to be fed or changed. He also has shortest attention span ever (which is to be expected I guess) so you constantly need to find something new to entertain him.
ROUTINE: He is awake more often now and HATES being put to bed, he literally kicks screams and scratches but that’s mostly after 10 at night which is his “fussy time” (it takes him ages to fall asleep any time of the day though) he naps quite fine in his moses basket during the day, but at night its like there are motion detectors in there signaling him to wake up the moment he is put down.
LOVES: Food ooh this kid loves to eat and I feel like I’m constantly feeding! His bouncy chair keeps him entertained longer than anything else and taking him out to see trees instantly calms him
DISLIKES: Being woken up and being made to sleep (go figure) he also hates being naked (bummer as he needs to be changed often with the peeing on himself)
HEALTH: he suffers from Reflux and currently has pretty bad flu that has affected his chest really badly and makes for one cranky kid who isn’t biggest fan of meds or the fact that he has to sleep sitting up in order to breath
MOM: I’m still getting used to things but am surprised daily at what I can do, like operate on 3 hours sleep a day and doing day to day operations one handed. I’m suddenly a multitasking pro and although I still get frustrated A LOT I feel less like a basket case and that’s good 😉
*chair picture taken at one month old exactly
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