Picture my weekend

Soooo this weekend was quite sociable,  here are some of the things we got up too:


Amazingly Aidan is tiny in Robs arms and giant in mine – This doesn’t represent something we did , just showing off my little family

Rob’s cousin who was my friend first, well not before they were cousins as they are both older than I am, but I knew her as a friend before I knew her as a “cousin-in-law” (she introduced Rob and I ,actually) well she, Luchae, is getting married, and we had a kitchen tea for her the weekend 🙂 Music themed, as most everything about her is music themed, lol – Congrads and good luck lady
We had our second Mommy Group playdate this past weekend, MUCH FUN! I wore shorts, i know shock horrow, hehehe

Happy Halloween

So we don’t really celebrate Halloween in South Africa, ja there are parties here and there and somewhere I assume people are trick-or-treating, but it’s really not that big a thing (well I don’t think it is) , but since I’m all for dressing up and ignoring pagan rituals associated with the holiday, I wish everyone who celebrates…

These pics are closest to Halloween pics I could find….technically photo booth pics from Craig and Jemaine’s wedding , but hey a costume is a costume :p

Aidan and myself with my friend Danielle and her little boy Maison

Family of weird expressions…

Happy belated birthday Kammy

Happy belated birthday to our niece Kameron 🙂 This weekend “Aidan” could finally take her gift (she had chicken pox so we couldn’t visit) and YEAH! She loved it, we got her a sparkle T-shirt and a tutu and she looked ADORABLE!!!
Happy  5th birthday again Kammy! Thanx for being such a good cousin to Aidan, always willing to play “baby games” and always watching out for him 🙂

Our little socialite

Aidan seems to have a busier social calendar than I do these days…here are some pics from recent birthday parties he was invited to:
*my friends have stunning kids don’t you think. The parties were so cute and  Lyndall (Gia’s mom) Yolande (Sam’s mom) and Jill (Levi and Madi’s mom) paid  attention to every detail…very pinable guys 😉

Party like it’s 1950….

 Computer problems are stopping me from loading more pics but here is the man of the hour and a great collage, which you would prob need to zoom into done by mofire photography 🙂

Happy Monday all

Mom and Dad: Man of the hour with his partner 🙂