Curly countdown with Grace Kelley

Today we interview Kelley Felix / Grace Kelley  and artistic soul with an attitude that says, I’m here take it or leave it. Honestly before chatting to her I was a little intimidated, she lives the saying “If you don’t stand for anything you will fall for anything” and people with such strong convictions always make me a little weary. Not this girl though, there is a gentleness to her spirit that speaks volumes…and also HER HAIR SPEAKS VOLUMES. Fresh off a “big chop” here is Grace Kelley‘s Curly Countdown.

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Kimberly Grace Professional…The Good, The Bad and the Meh

I was super excited to be included in the Kimberly Grace Professional Product research group. They sent a bunch of South African women products and asked us to be honest – You guys know I’m big on honesty when it comes to reviews because I don’t like to waste my money or my time, and I don’t want you to either…. I got a bunch of products and here is what I thought of them individually…

Kimberly Grace

DISCLAIMER. What worked for me might not work for you and also the other way around, this is based on my hair here on my head.

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Gillian Joy’s curly girl countdown

Today’s curly girl is Gillian Joy Titus of  Joy’s Truths. She is my ultimate hair crush guys, she is LITTERALLY #GOALS

I was first “introduced” to Gillian on Ruth’s blog it was such a touching post that I started following her all over social media, and then I was introduced to THAT HAIR and then I saw her again on these hair forums and she said she loved my hair and used some of my tips and that’s like when your favourite singer says “hey girl I love the way you sing” Meanwhile,   I might have worn her down and now we are friends on social media…I do that if I like people, I wear them down joe!

Here is what today’s curly girl has to say

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Curly Countdown with Sean

Today’s curly countdown comes from new kid on the block in the SA natural hair care community,  Sean.


From what I can tell from my extensive stalking she is funny and slightly weird #girlcrush. Sean from Sean goes natural is an engineering student from KZN and has AWESOME HAIR… Actually it’s very much like mine (if mine was on the head of someone who knew what they were doing).

Here are her answers to my curly countdown questions…

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