Letter to Logan (on his 3 month heaven’iversary)

Hey angel

Its officialy thee months since you went to heaven.
I don’t know what heaven is like, but I like to think it’s child friendly after all, God did say we have to be like children to enter the kingdom of heaven.
I’m at a loss for words today little man, wish you were here to learn that, that is not a common thing with me. I guess it’s difficult to put words to feelings when you don’t know what you are feeling 🙁
What I do know is we miss you, we miss what you were and what you could have been.
Just yesterday your dad mentioned how we will never get to put your art work on the fridge, I realised we would never argue about what books to read to you at night, never get to teach you to ride a bike and never remind you to say your please and thank you’s ….so many NEVERS, but one ALWAYS
We will ALWAYS love you!!!

Till we meet again sweet Logan

*You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness*

So last night I cried and cried, inconsolably, the type of crying where if someone consoles you (enter husband) you want to punch them in the nose because sometimes sadness is healing and you want someone to cry with you not be strong for you.
The funny thing about yesterday’s sadness (which still lingers today like the remnants of a New Years party where you never quite got around to cleaning up) is that it was brought on by a lack of sadness, I suddenly realised that for the past week or so I was doing ok, QUE guilt!!! how can you be ok?!?!? your son died and you are going on as if it was a mere inconvenience. The guilt tore at my heart! and asked how dare I not be in the dark pit of despair 24/7, how dare I let rays of sunshine come through and illuminate my bereaved heart?
A friend of mine, who lost the love of her life and father to her daughters put it so nicely, “sometimes sadness is comforting” I get that. If I’m sad my connection with Logan is at it’s strongest, the more time passes the further he goes, he becomes part of my past while my heart yearns for him to be in my present!!! it’s three months this week and with each passing day, I’m congratulated for “dealing so well”, “being so strong”, “being able to move forward” and the funny thing is, none of those “compliments” make me feel “well or strong” it makes me feel guilty!
A devastating thing happened to you Eleanor, BE DEVASTATED DAMIT!!!!
My belief in God consoles my heart, I don’t think things are coincidental, God has a plan regarding my healing and my life from here on out, he is healing my heart and puts things in place to help me “deal” but I can’t help but feel a little confused sometimes, like I’ve been pushed onstage on opening night and I have not read the script, I babble on while trying to locate the exit while the audience cheer me on and I don’t even know what I did that was cheer worthy or they boo me and I have even less of a clue to what I did wrong.
I wish there was some kind of manual to child loss. YOUR BABY DIED,WHAT NEXT. . . , I’d buy that book, I’d also buy SO NOW YOUR THINKING ABOUT BABY NUMBER TWO BUT CANT LET GO OF NUMBER 1 , I’d buy that because I feel like I’m the mother of TWO, ONE in my heart (Logan) and ONE in my head/future, but no-one in my arms THAT SUCKS!
This grief thing sucks bum, its all mixed up in my head, and now I’ve been diagnosed with some inflammation thing that takes 11 tablets a day to be fixed (so I don’t have to go through life all bloated and swollen and I can finally start losing some weight) with the pills comes a new diet and exercise regime then I have medical bills and still need to find the cash for a head stone and it all just feels too much sometimes, I know it could be worse I understand that 100% but sometimes it’s just not fun.
Wish me luck and have a good week, just needed to vent
(picture from rawarrior.com)

Letter to the angels

Dear: Angels

I know I have the best babysitters anyone could ask for and I know you’re doing a great job, but I have a favour to ask of you.
When you tuck my boy in for the night please hug him extra tight to make up for all the times I can’t
When you sing him lullabies remind him that my heart aches to sing to him
Dear angels when he looks down and sees happy families please make sure he understands that if I had the choice I would never have let him go
Please angels don’t let him doubt my love for a single second
You have my most precious gift please treat him as such.

Love: A jealous mom
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Logan’s butterfly

I know I owe pics but turns out co-ordinating a challenge with a group of ppl from all over, is more difficult than I thort:
And anyway I have something else to share today:

I have a GIANT tree in front of my house, it’s my favourite place and perfect for reflecting and just being calm. I always thought I’d sit there with Logan, reading and blowing bubbles-I used to do tha LOTS-so today when I saw a beautiful butterfly (they always remind me of Logan because there always seem to be butterflies around his grave) I bought it and decided to put it on the tree.
I miss my boy a lot today and wish I could just have him here 🙁 but at least “a little part of him” is now in what I’d hoped would be “our tree”
My mom and I are working on a memorial garden but for now this gives me a little comfort 🙂

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Caution : Very emo post

Mothers day after losing your baby is a cruel reality. Rob hates it if I say I’m not a mother, he says it’s denying our son, I don’t mean to deny him, I just feel that being a mother with no-one to mother is the cruellest irony! Yes I’m a mother, but I want to be a mom!
I have the wide set hips of a mother, the stretch marks, the (worse than most) c-section scar, I have the medical bills and mementoes from birth, but that’s where it stops.
My heart aches as I write this, my arms long for a little someone to hold and caress and to sing to, I wish my “motherly duties” weren’t taken away so soon.
I’m healing, everyday I can feel God working towards putting my heart back together, but days like tomorrow hurt!!!
Moms are praised for their work, for late night feeds and kissing the booboo, for loving and taking care and with each advertisement on tv,radio,magazine, my entire being screams out, ITS NOT FAIR!!! I didn’t bail out on my duties on purpose! I want to stay up late with feedings and I don’t mind dealing with a cranky child! I wasn’t given a fair chance! Its just not fair!
It all feels so crazy like I entered a triathlon and when I got to the cycle part, my bike was stolen, I trained! I was ready! I wanted it! Its not my fault I couldn’t finish 🙁
I know so many women will share my pain tomorrow, through child loss and infertility! And I pray God helps us heal because this pain is something I would never wish on anyone.

(Picture from yailike.com)
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RIP…there goes the plaster

So I’ve been feeling sick lately and today I had to go do a couple of tests at the hospital, the hospital, where two months ago,today, I held my lifeless little boy for the first and last time…so clearly wasn’t looking forward to that.
As luck would have it one of the tests was a scan of my kidneys, using the very same machine that revealed our babies gender, 5months ago.
I lay in the same room that just the other day had excited me, fighting back tears and making polite conversation with the technician, who then noticed my “unusual scar” and started asking questions about Logan. I kept thinking…hush lady you gonna make me cry.
Robin had moved his appointments around to come to the scan with me, even though I saw no need for it, and turns out I’m so glad he did, I wouldn’t have been able to face the scan without him…the oh so familiar, gel on your stomach the gentle prodding, but this time no rhythmic heart beat, no Logan. So obvious so real…rip there goes another plaster…