Another day without Logan

Another day of people pointing a questioning finger at my stomach (“weren’t you pregnant the other day”, they laugh, expecting a glowing new mom ready to show off pictures, not a grieving mom, wondering if she can make it through the day)
 Another day of people talking to me, trying hard to ignore the elephant in the room, avoiding the word baby like the plague so as not to upset me (Funny as sometimes all I want with all my heart is to hear his name out loud)
Another day of others trying not to make eye contact (if she doesn’t see me, I don’t have to have an awkward conversation with her)
 Another day of people asking if I’m better now, as if I had a touch of the flu and should have recovered by now.
And yet another day of baby related emails coming through because I can’t figure out how to remove my name from mailing list.
In many ways it’s just another day.
I want my days to be lighter, I want to be naΓ―ve again…
I want to believe in happy ever afters, in soul mates, in the beauty of new life and the fact that if you do good,good things will happen.
I can’t believe in happy ever afters when happiness is often so far removed from my day to day, when a heavy heart and a wet cheek is my norm.
I struggle to believe in soul mates when death really does part, that is if divorce doesn’t get there first (My husband means the world to me so believing in marital bliss is paramount)
New life, happy pregnancies and trouble free births seem like a fairytale now and I wish it wasn’t so, I want to believe.
I can’t bring myself to believe that good things happen to good people, too many amazing people are living with so much pain, this one can’t be true, maybe the quote I once read is right…
“Expecting the world to treat you good because you are a good person is like expecting a bull not to charge because you are vegetarian”
— I want to believe in happiness, and maybe one day I will, for now I cling to whatever hope and faith I can, I’m told all I need is faith the size of a mustard seed, so there is hope

How weird is this

– I often read in the train (that is not the weird part) and before I was rushed to the hospital I got three books from the library (yes people still use libraries) I had finished them and loved each one…Here comes the weird part………
I didn’t think about the books with everything that has happened, but before I took them back yesterday (quite a fine) I skimmed the back page just to remind myself what the books were about and get this (I’m going to try to be vague so I don’t spoil it them for you – the books are from two of my favourite authors, LOVE the wit and emotion)
Well :
– In one of the books a woman has a placenta abruption after 6 months, YES just like I did. That is why I instantly understood the medical terms when the doctor spoke to me, I had heard it all before . . . (I was freaked out while reading this and remember thinking how glad I was things were going well with me-who knew)
– In another one of the books a couple deals with the heartache of pregnancy loss and the possibility of never having children (aaaah who knew)
– Then there was the book about a woman who has to deal with loosing someone very close to her, she goes through periods of feeling like she cant go on like the grief is just too much (At the time I felt sad for her, now I kinda feel sad for me)
How weird is it that I had been reading those books and then suddenly I’m living those books. I don’t often go for sad books, this was really just a coincidence, or maybe it wasn’t, maybe in some little way God was trying to prepare me.

Some things don’t change

I came across one of my old blog posts today, one where I was about 20 weeks and glowing with happiness, its kinda sad reading it knowing that Logan passed away, but at the same time I find my love for him has not diminished at all and I pray to share a similiar love with future children.
Can you love someone you have never met? No this is not a religious or a philosophical question and I don’t mean never met like if you were to meet someone online…I’m referring to my still in the making baby.
More and more I find my trepidation towards the whole being a mother thing being replaced with the type of excitement that starts small and builds up and builds up till it has nowhere to go, like when you try to stifle a laugh and it ends up coming out in a sort of snort and draws even more attention to you.
A calming joy that overcomes the most difficult moment or a happiness you just cant contain. That is the kind of love I’m experiencing, I could not be happier if I tried!!! my happiness comes in unexpected bursts, like when Logan (we think -scan was 80% sure- it’s a boy and have decided to name him Logan) kicks or wriggles around in me and it feels like I’m sharing this big secret with a much loved stranger or when I see other parents with their young children and I can’t wait for my own little bundle of joy, I just want to grab him out of my dreams and make him a reality.
Its a kind of  love that has no reason or motivation, is this possible? I’m sure it is because that is how I feel, I’m twice my normal size, my clothes don’t fit, I can’t sleep and I have enough aches and pains to rival the most inventive hypochondriac , but behind it all I smile,I’m happy, I’m content and what makes my happiness grow ten fold is having someone who shares this love with me. I have a husband who dotes over me and just like me can hardly wait to start the next chapter of our lives…
*picture from

The Bad

You know you have a problem when the worst thing you can think to do to an enemy is to make them live your life πŸ™
I have many blessings, a roof over my head, a job, a loving family, great friends, but those factors are mutually exclusive to my problem.
The problem is I have nightmares most nights, hospitals, blood, grave yards, dead children. Going to sleep has become like switching on a bad movie channel, you don’t know what you are going to get ,but you know you wont like it.
Then there are the physical problems that comes with just having given birth, the discomforts and hormones-NOT A PICNIC when added to the day to day life of not being on maternity leave, its weird to have new mom problems with no new baby πŸ™
I just had someone phone to set up a hearing test for Logan, AGAIN! it’s exhausting and hurts and sometimes I dont think Im strong enough for the role I have been cast in!!! I feel like there has been a huge mistake, this cant be my life πŸ™
I feel like apologising to God, whatever I did to deserve this, Im SOOO sorry! I did’nt mean it πŸ™

I guess I still have a long way to go, THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE UGLY

Today  is THE BAD πŸ™ I have many Ugly days, but I thank God for the faith that I will see the Good too some day soon 

So how are things?

I’m not trying to be a downer, not at all,but a thought occurred to me and I wanted to post it.
People often ask how you are and we all know the answer they are looking for is “fine”
But sometimes you just want to say, “It could be better and quite frankly it could be worse”
That is the thought that hit me, IT COULD BE WORSE
My grief had me feeling like NOTHING could be worse than losing my newborn, then Robin took a sleeping tablet and he slept so soundly that I thought he died. If he died THAT would be worse, Logan + Robin dead? Heaven forbid!
My dad has a fairly dangerous job and If I think about losing him or my mom, THAT would be worse; Logan+Robin+Parents = unthinkable
I watched the movie Charlie St Cloud and thought I could lose my siblings, add losing them and THAT would be worse.
I could lose my health, family, friends, job, belongings, there is truly so many ways pain can be magnified, you can loose so much.
That’s not a good way of thinking though, no use in focusing on the bad in life, because you will most likely stop living and just wait around for the next disaster to hit.
I know so many amazing people who are living with so much heartache, but get up and go everyday, they inspire me.
They remind me, every moment is TRULY precious.
You have to live every moment to the fullest, because if we are going to take the pessimist view, THIS could be the best it’s gonna be… Well it could get better, much better, but truth be told, this moment right here is the only thing we have guarantees for so don’t let it pass un appreciated!

In three words I can sum up every-
thing I’ve learned about life.
It goes on.  ~Robert Frost

Too many broken hearts

At the cemetery where Logan is buried there is a section,just for babies. It dates back to the 1800s and is probably one of the saddest sites you will ever see.
All these tiny little graves with headstones conveying messages of love to babies who lived for a few years, a few months or just a few moments.
Most babies,like Logan, are now buried in family plots and the baby section shows signs of neglect.
I actually don’t know what’s sadder, the neglect or the few plots dated almost thirty years before my birth that are still being visited,plots are weeded and new flowers placed – all that years of love that had nowhere else to go for all these years.
So many little headstones have the same surname, and same flowers, WOW if they are siblings, just how many times did one family have their hopes and dreams shattered, it just doesn’t seem fair.
I stood around those graves mindlessly clearing spider webs, weeds and removing bugs from the little angel statues that watched the eternally sleeping babies, I was sure my husband and sister who were accompanying me would think I was loony, but when I looked over at them they had followed suite raising fallen angels and re-attaching broken crosses. All of us silently doing our little part for the field of broken hearts.
My dad has this saying “like buying a new car” which refers to the phenomenon that he never sees a certain car around until he (or someone close) buys one, and then suddenly it is all he sees.
In a way that is what has happened with the death of my own baby. Suddenly so many people I met understood my pain.
It started in the hospital, nurses who had heard my sobs, came to share their stories of child loss and their “happy endings”. One of my favourite teachers, our next door neighbour, a neighbour from across the road, even our mechanic had gone through something similar.
People reached out through this blog, through emails and through social networking sites.
Some stories were helpful shedding a glimmer of hope on our dark situation while other stories reeked of hopelessness, practically resigning us to a life of continuous heartache and pain, with no chance of breathing room (I always just try to take the best out of every story though)
Stories have come from everywhere, friends, family, acquaintances even strangers who were pointed in my direction.
Men and women from different races, age groups and walks of life with one thing in common, they understand.
And THAT SUCKS, I hate that they understand, in fact I wish I didn’t understand.
Understanding comes with so much baggage so much pain.
Growing up I knew my grandmother lost a young son as she spoke about him to me, but apart from him I didn’t think of children ever dying.
If you lose your parents you are an orphan, your husband/wife you are a widow/widower there is no word for someone who lost their child-because its not supposed to happen,its “the unthinkable”
It occurs to me that talking about infant death is not a common thing, you are just expected to “dust yourself off and try again” talking about it too much could make others uncomfortable you see *rolls eyes*
Keep the story to yourself like it’s a dirty little secret πŸ™ as dwelling on it will get you classed as obsessive and unable to move on.
For that reason I am eternally grateful for people who were willing to open up their own wounds in the hopes of healing mine a little, it means so much. It really helps to know I am not alone…
Some more than others have become a lifeline I can reach out to and that’s really special. I hope I can do the same one day, help someone else with my story, even just a little.

To: the baby angels whose names I recite in my heart as I type this (I don’t know how your mums would feel about putting your names up)
Please look after my little one, if he is anything like his parents, it will take him a while to warm up to new people, but don’t count him out just yet. But then again if you are anything like your amazing mothers you have already taken him under your wings and are showing him the ropes πŸ™‚
Thank you for that
((Big hug))