Day 6: What makes my friends smile

Liesl: Her family, especially her nieces and nephew

Mechelle: She has special memories attached to her guitar

Ronethea: Hanging out with friends makes her smile

Salama: Tickling her husband makes her smile “He is always ticklish even when he is upset, it’s hilarious”
Hein:  His son Riley makes him smile by doing silly things like showing off his new undies

Day 6 : What makes me smile

The thing that makes me smile is my husband, ok he also makes me want to kick him in the shins or knock him out, but 90% of the time he makes me smile. These days life feels too real, recently so many people I care about have been hurt physically or emotionally  and I realise more than ever how precious time is, so I try to cherish every moment we have together. I don’t always succeed but I try 🙂
Will load every one elses as soon as I receive them all 🙂

Playing catch-up Day 4 and 5

Playing catchup with this weekend’s challenge

DAY 4 : Post Box


Mine 🙂





DAY 5 : What you wore


me, cause I was lazy



Day 3: Something you love

My thing I love is my phone yes, I’m that crazy about my blackberry I use it for everything,  all the time, and it keeps me connected to all the people I love. I chat to other bereaved mothers on it, I research on it, I blog on it and even met my husband on it (another phone, but a phone none the less). So I’m a bit of a phone freak and I’m hardly ever without it. REALLY!
Quick phone story: So this morning I’m sitting on the train watching Big Bang theory on my phone (told you never without it) this lady got in opposite me, she was looking very sad and was talking to her friend about her son being bullied and how hard it was on her (yes I was eavesdropping- but not intentionally, it took a while for my video to load *weak excuse*) anyway, then I got into the episode and must have laughed out loud (literally) because I could feel her looking at me, she then remarked to her friend how happy I looked, how care free and how she missed being like that LITTLE DOES SHE KNOW! But it got me thinking, we really don’t know what is happening in other peoples lives, it reminded me to cut others some slack because you never really know, THE REAL STORY.

Liesl Ah Shene:  her glitter Alice band

Mechelle De Vroom : Her Garden and home

Neo Bodumela : books

Ranique Hendricks: Shoes and Chai Tea

Ronethea Bonaparte : Her daughter

and Salama Davids-Bhana: technology

We have another addition, to the picture project Hein Brown :

Day 1

I wear sunglasses at work as I have a phobia for fluorescent lights, well that’s what I tell them anyway. Secretly it makes me feel like Horatio Cane…YEEEeeOOoWWWw!

Day 2

My breakfast…I was in a hurry to get to work so I could not finish it all

Day 3

Friends join in: Photo challenge

So a few of my friends are joining in on the photo challenge, yeah!!! I like doing stuff with people 🙂
My friends (In alphabetical order) Liesl Ah Shene,  Mechelle De Vroom, Neo Bodumela, Ranique Hendricks, Ronethea Bonaparte and Salama Davids-Bhana will all be joining in, so here is pics from them…catching up: Day 1 (Yourself) Day 2 (Breakfast)
Another friend Luchae Gie is joining in over at her own blog  🙂

Liesl Ah Shene

She did Day 1 and Day 2 in one

Mechelle De Vroom
Day 1
Day 2

 Neo Bodumela

Day 1

Day 2

Ranique Hendricks

Day 1


Day 2




 Ronethea Bonaparte

Day 1

Day 2


 and Salama Davids-Bhana

Day 1
Day 2