So today’s challenge was taking a picture of your breakfast, why? I dunno.
Well I did, I’m having coffee and oats, because I like coffee and oats and it obviously makes my crockery happy too 🙂
Black coffee one teaspoon of brown sugar and flavoured instant oats.
Have a good day all
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Category: photo challenge
Photo challenge, Day1 : Me
Any way that’s why the pictures are edited, because I look better like this – I think. Also my eyes look very sad these days, very sad 🙁 and I don’t like that, it coincidentally makes me sad. A friend said the eyes are the windows to the soul and its kinda like I have my blinds down,a weird analogy, but I think it explains why starting off this challenge with a picture of me was difficult. But any-who day one done.
Picture challenge…
I have nothing to say, my mind is a whirl of 100 ideas per minute and these days I’m too tired to dissect them and form congruent sentences. I’m not sure why, but this month, the third month in our lives after THAT NIGHT seems to be the most difficult, I guess everything is finally sinking in and the reality of a life without Logan is hitting us in the face, HARD.
It could be that his “due date” is now only a few weeks away, 3 to be exact. Our lives were going to change then, for the better and not 3 months ago for the . . . actually who knows for the what.
Haha, that’s quite a mouthful for someone with nothing to say.
Writing helps me, it helps me organise my thoughts and feelings into bite size pieces so they don’t all attack me at once-like they tend to do.
But like I was getting at, right in the beginning, I have so many thoughts and feelings that it all becomes jumbled in my mind.
I came across this photo challenge online where you share a “random” picture each day according a list (below) I figured that since I often don’t know what to write I can do the challenge and focus on the little things that are celebrated each day—I’ll prob end up writing a little paragraph with each (hehe)
I guess I just need a task, something to “take my mind off things” for even just a moment.
I’m starting tomorrow:
Picture Challenge – 30 Day
Take Pictures of:
1. You
2. Your Breakfast
3. Something you love
4. Your mailbox
5. Something you wore
6. Something that makes you smile
7. Your favourite quote
8. Your sky
9. Something you use daily
10. Something from your childhood
11. Your favourite school binder
12. Your favourite shoe
13. Inside your bag/backpack
14. Something you’re reading
15. Something that makes you happy
16. Something you see every morning
17. Your water
18. Something you bought
19. Something sweet
20. Someone you like/love
21. A reflection of something
22. Your jacket
23. Something old
24. Your guilty pleasure
25. Something you made
26. Your favorite color
27. Your lunch
28. Your sunset
29. Inside you fridge
30. Nature.
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