Tips and Stretches to help with Backache

Do any of you need help with backache? Or are you young? I have been struggling with backache for a while now, it is part osteoarthritis and part overall unfitness. So, I was excited to find that Sela had a tea for this, but like I said before I believe in a holistic approach to things so apart from drinking Sela’s backache tea, I also chatted to a personal trainer and got some very valuable tips and a video specially for us.

Nadine Lahana is a certified Nutrition & Wellness Specialist and Personal Trainer who I happened to meet at a mutual friend’s braai one time and begged her for her salad recipe (as one does). She gave me the recipe back then, and this week she shares tips for helping relieve backache – she is generous like that.

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The Tea on Sela

If you have been on my social media lately you would have noticed me mention Sela.  So I thought I’d give you the tea behind the tea (are we still saying that? Have I missed the trend?)

Basically, Sela reached out to me about testing out their teas and since they are nicely situated in my Venn diagram right between my obsession with warm drinks and my love of traditional/herbal/reduced pharmaceutical remedies, I thought I would give it a go.

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