So my sister brought home two dogs, one of which is a tiny little thing that was freezing her lil bum off, Her constant shivering made me feel really bad for , her so I decided to make a little sweater/jersey/top thing to help keep her warm, here is what I did:
What you need:
- A pair of old tights or sleeve off a old jersey/sweater (I went for warm tights that I never wear because one leg seems to be smaller than the other-go figure)
- scissors
- anything you’d want to use for embellishing (I went for pink ribbon because without that I was sure she’s look like she was wearing
- measuring tape (goodluck trying to measure a wriggling little puppy)
What you do:
- Measure the dog from neck to hind legs and then from neck to front legs
- Use the first measurment to determine the length of “sleeve” or “pants leg” you need
- Cut off the “cylinder” you need
- Then use the second measurement to determine where you need to cut holes for front legs
make the leg holes a third of the way up - Then attach your embellishment with needle and thread / or sew free glue 🙂