I’m pretty honest these days, extremely honest, in fact you would be hard pressed to find a question I would not answer…
This is a far cry from my youth – no I was not a serial liar – I just wanted to “belong” so badly that my opinions became intertwined in other peoples beliefs. I’ve been to countless movies that I didn’t particularly want to see,I’ve eaten meals I would not have chosen and I’ve done things I couldn’t afford (my credit card bills are evidence of this)
When it comes to love I was so desperate for adoration I found myself in situations which now make me cringe and in hind sight were pretty dangerous.
My whole aura seemed to scream “I’m worthy! Please love me”
Thinking back, some friends did warn me but at the time I thought they were just boring and meddlesome.
I got out of my destructive behavior pretty unharmed-except for cringing at memories- and now I look at myself and think, good job Ella.
I’m glad you finally have the courage to say no to the small things, it means you can say no when it counts. I’m glad you are willing to admit that although you would love caviar you are currently on a burger budget (can’t even super size), I’m glad you can take criticism and realise sometimes people are just trying to help, other times not so much…
Everyday you grow, everyday you learn and I must say you’ve come a long way and I’m quite proud 🙂
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