Happy Birthday TAYLOR JORDAN

Happy Birthday Taylor
Our little princess is four today (OMW how time flies!!!!)
Every year as part of her birthday celebrations (well for the past two years…and next year in planning) Taylor chooses a birthday cake and we try to recreate it, last year it was a Barbie princess and this year a castle…
She doesn’t want a shop bought one and takes great pride in telling everyone her mommy made it…. And we have a blast making the cake, and although we are faaaaaaar from professional we are thinking of making it a birthday traditions amongst the cousins, for the fun of it … my sister wants us to make sneakers for her birthday I told her she can have the box the shoes came in instead 😉
Cupcakes to take to school, see my artistic work with sprinkles over there

My cousins Nicole (left) and Ronethea.
Ronethea is Taylor’s mom and the one who takes credit for the cake
regardless of whether the cakes work out or not 😉 oooooh the pressure
My sister and I ,
 I’m amazed at how big pregnancy can make you look
 (eating icing probably doesn’t help)
Our Masterpiece that looks nothing like the one in the book, but is cute none the less!


Last year’s cake, minus the crown we later added



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