Here’s hoping you Share Some Hope

So after a week of non blogging im back to remind everyone that it is not to late to share hope and feed some deserving kiddos…

Last month HERE I told you guys about the initiative run by Tony Ferguson Weightloss South Africa, Dis-Chem Pharmacies, The Dis-Chem Foundation and African Dynamics to fill some empty tummies.
Their plan to distribute up to 200 000 meals to hungry primary-school children across the country is still going strong which means you can still join in…

You can still help feed hungry kids
The Share Hope Campaign sees the partners donate a balanced, nutritious breakfast to a needy child for every Tony Ferguson Shake, Soup or full sized Munch Bar purchased from a participating Dis-Chem store between September and November.
The breakfast will be served in the form of a cereal packed with all the nutrients a growing child needs and only needs to be mixed with water for a filling meal…

You can still enter and win
You even stand in line to win one of four  R2000 vouchers monthly by just telling more people about the program…
All you have to do is go HERE and click share…

When I wrote this they had already fed 41408 children and with 57 days to go there is still time to help raise that amount….click HERE for more info

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