Make your own eucalyptus rice for a stuffy chest

Scented sensory rice is wayyyy easier to make than it looks.  It’s great for little hands (just watch out for little mouths)

sensory rice

I made some eucalyptus scented rice for Aidan this weekend, the idea came to me when I was reading one of my favourite blogs Mamapapabubba where she had made sensory soup I thought that it would be awesome for my little one’s stuffy chest, but I was not in the mood for a flood-Aidan is not of the play nicely with water age…So I adapted my sensory rice recipe…. here’s the how to

– Few drops Eucalyptus oil (check with health shop is the brand is safe for kids-I’m told not all are)
– Food colouring (I used a small cap full)
– White rice (I used a mug full)
– A bowl that seals or a ziplock bag
– Paper towel, newspaper

– Mix everything together in sealed container (can add a teaspoon of water if colour not covering well , I didn’t need to)
– Lay the now scented rice out on the paper towel or newspaper to dry

Aidan played with the rice by pretending to cook – how can someone who hates eating love food play so much?
Later I hid tiny wooden bugs in the rice  and let him go to town finding them





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