Mommy Moment: I wish I knew…

It the last Mommy Moment Monday with this amazing group of moms, older posts here

This week’s question is

1. What you wish you knew before

Eleanor and Aidan

You know all about me already… 

What you wish you knew before: I think it’s good that I didn’t know too much before I had a kid. I don’t know if I would have signed up if I knew I’d never sleep, there would be toys everywhere and I’d spend most of my time trying to reason with someone a fraction of my age…that does not sound pleasant and I don’t think I would be too keen, but then I would not have had all the perks that goes with being a mom, the love, the joy, the blessings

Cindy and Imogen 

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I call her my princess, she calls me Mamma, Mommy, or Mu-um depending on her mood. Imogen is 5-years old and in Grade R. I am a single Mom, trying to climb the corporate ladder while my daughter keeps my feet firmly on the ground –  staying humble and grateful for being a Mom.

What you wish you knew beforeNot to follow all the baby books because they contradict each other! Just to go with my gut instinct of what feels right for me and baby in those early stages.

Luchae, Kyle and Karis

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Luchae blogs over at myspreadsheetbrain she has two kids with a 12 year age gap so says she feels like she is doing it all from scratch.

What you wish you knew beforeAfter having my little girl 12 years after her big brother, I’ve come to realize that every moment in your kids life is so important and special. Celebrate each strength and encourage them through every weakness. And hey, if you miss a beat, that’s okay! 

Zandile and Qawe

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Zandile is the mother of a rather precocious  4-year old
What you wish you knew before: I wish I knew that becoming a mom meant getting a mini husband minus the lobola!! Qhawe has become the king of the castle and I his ever present servant. Emphasis on servant!

Yolande and Sam
Displaying Us.jpgSam is an active and very loving little boy born on July 31, 2012 and his mommy is a freelance writer who works from home and who is still trying to figure out how to juggle being a semi-stay-at-home-mom and a working-mom at the same time.  

What you wish you knew beforeThis answer changes so often, but among the thing I wish I knew is what people meant with toddlers “are busy”. I think the that is the understatement of the century and I think there are much better ways to describe their “busyness” like “I’m-about-to-collapse-from-exhaustion”. I also now (at this age) wish I knew about the constant repetition…I cannot even begin to tell you the number of times I have to repeat phrases like “Take a bite of your food”, “Don’t touch the television”….you get the picture. 

Thanks so much to these amazing moms who all happen to have two things in common, they all have ink running through their veins and little people running through their hearts

Please check back next week for a new group of mommies 🙂

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