Mr Price competition – double your basket back!!!

You know that feeling when you get to the cash register and an item you bought was on sale, only you didn’t know it?…it feels like you won a great prize, seriously I do a happy dance every time that happens, and I just might tweet and instagram it…LOVE that feeling! *discount dance*

Well now imagine that feeling times like 100!!! Mr Price is giving on line shoppers the chance to experience the big daddy of that feeling by giving you double your basket back…YES you heard right, you buy HERE for like R1000  and they could be like, hey here is a two grand voucher for your trouble and you don’t even have to give back the clothes… so get SHOPPING

Also have you heard of the awesome new MRP APP it is set to become your futuristic fashion bff.

Seriously the app lets you browse the full range from your phone or tablet, build a virtual wardrobe and the best of all if you happen to be in a Mr Price store and they don’t have your size, you don’t have to join the queue to ask a shop assistant, you just scan the code and the app will tell you which store has your size…Now THAT is something I can get behind 🙂

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