My weekend in pictures

This weekend was cuteness overload! Spent some time with nieces Taylor and Kameron at the Kids and Baby expo, it was the first time the two hung out together and they hit it off great! (which suprised me because like their aunt elle, both have bossy pants tendancies so I expected a power struggle, but no such thing) I swear I was so exhausted with their running around and needing to try out EVERY activity that I fell asleep as soon as I got home.
Rob and Taylors mom, Ronethea, shared my sentiments, it was great seeing them enjoy themselves, but sitting down would have been great! So great we ended up bribing them with ice-cream.

My other cousin Che-lynn and her daughter Kirsten came over later…. more of the cuteness

and Sunday another one of my cousins, Desthea, was confirmed at church (congrads pretty lady)

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