Picture my weekend

Soooo this weekend was quite sociable,  here are some of the things we got up too:


Amazingly Aidan is tiny in Robs arms and giant in mine – This doesn’t represent something we did , just showing off my little family

Rob’s cousin who was my friend first, well not before they were cousins as they are both older than I am, but I knew her as a friend before I knew her as a “cousin-in-law” (she introduced Rob and I ,actually) well she, Luchae, is getting married, and we had a kitchen tea for her the weekend 🙂 Music themed, as most everything about her is music themed, lol – Congrads and good luck lady
We had our second Mommy Group playdate this past weekend, MUCH FUN! I wore shorts, i know shock horrow, hehehe

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