Story Book DIY: Adjustable drawstring shoe bag for Cinderella

Today is the second in our Story Book DIY series. Myself and 3 other book loving bloggers are doing a colab to bring you story inspired DIY’s over four weeks. It started with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last week and this week we move on to Cinderella…

Cinderella for those of you who don’t know (never assume) is about a girl who lives with her stepmom and step sisters and is forced to do all their chores and then she goes to a ball with the help of her fairy godmother/woodland creatures (depending on version) she loses a shoe and as she is magically the only person in a village with that shoe size the prince tracks her down using said shoe (I’m a size 3, I feel like I always feel like I’m the only one with such tiny feet, but seeing as there are never shoes in my size, I’m clearly wrong)
Any who something that always bothered the over thinker in me is that this poor woman had to return home with only one shoe on… I mean when the carriage turned into a pumpkin she must have been left in the middle of the forest shoe-less, surely… so I came up with my DIY to help a sister out… a shoe bag to stash a extra pair of shoes…
It’s great for taking pumps to work because you need to pop into the shops after work with the toddler you just picked up from day care and running in heels is not a option (oddly specific, I know), or if you are take public transport you can carry your heels in it and swop from your “comfies” at work, or you like to wear different shoes during the day (I’m not judging, I don’t know your life story,hehe)
Adjustable Drawstring bag, similar to the little diy busy bags I made, but with velcro to accommodate both pumps and heels…


A old t-shirt, velcro, scissors, something to lace through as drawstring and either a sewing machine or needlework kit


depending on your shoe size cut off the bottom of your t-shirt 

turn material inside out and sew where you just cut

attach velcro to each side by sewing or using fabric glue

on the open side, which is where seam would have been originally,
cut a little hole for drawstring to go through

I use a paperclip to help me string the lace/ribbon/rope through

you should be left with this

perfect for carrying around your pumps while in heels
or undo the velcro and pop your heels in there 🙂
please head on over to see what the others have come up with

5 thoughts on “Story Book DIY: Adjustable drawstring shoe bag for Cinderella

  1. Melanie B. says:

    What bugs me about Cinderella is that no one remembers one thing about what she looks like. Not even hair colour, which would have cut down on the work load of the poor guy who had to take the shoe around for girls to try on.

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