If you have ever seen an outfit post on here you are probably pretty aware of my fondness for Mr Price. I just find them soooo up to date with fashion it’s silly not to pop in every now and again.
I once went to a fashion show the Friday night and noticed the Saturday that Mr Price was stocking pretty similar things, they really have their finger on the pulse.
Their ONLINE STORE is pretty cool too, one of the easiest to navigate and it is updated with shocking regularity…
Tip for tiny feeted people like me, if you can’t find the shoe you want in store-size 3s are sold out first everywhere-you can probably get it online…
These are the ones I’m trying to decide between, they are all under R200 though so maybe if I won the voucher I wouldn’t have to choose. hehehe-prob not
You can though, if you click here WIN,WIN,WIN or on the picture,you stand in line to win a R2500 voucher to Mr Price so you can get your boot on, or your jacket on. . . .
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