Tattoo Undo – Interview with Justin Main

Lets start by saying I love my tattoo, it’s a reminder of Logan and it’s something I can carry with me forever, but not everyone is that lucky some people look at their tattoos and think, “Eish, where’s the undo button on this thing”. That’s where my buddy Justin comes in (I’ve interviewed him before about his graphic design work see here), he is an amazing tattoo artist  who sometimes, like on the TLC program “America’s Worst Tattoos” fixes up tattoos people are not too happy with.

Here is some of his work: (Q&A below pics)

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My Artistic friends – Justin Main

oooh very excited about a new monthly feature I want to do on the blog showcasing all the artistic people in my life.
I realised the other day that I know a whole lot of arty people (birds of a feather and all that) and that I should share some of their work, so I figured I’d get them to send me 5 pics of their work and answer 5 questions and then I share with you, easy peasy (I’m only doing this once a month because it always takes arty people some time to get their ducks in a row and also I might not have as many friends as I thought, hehe 🙂

Today’s Artistic Friend is Justin Main, a really cool graphic designer who also happens to be one mean musician and a good friend (also dating one of the coolest girls I know, Lisa).

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