truth about THE belly

Almost four months into this pregnancy thing, I have a couple of points to make, share things I had no idea were involved in the procreation process…
Firstly I’m extremely happy to be bringing a little one into the world in just over five months!!!!!! seriously can’t wait to meet Logan/Gabriella (depending on gender and whether or not I go into my “I’m not feeling that name anymore” moods) but I’ve decided to come clean with things that bother me about this whole being pregnant thing…
1. Apparently the whole, your hair will grow lovely and thick when you are pregnant, does not only extend to your head… I am not a fan, I used to have to shave my legs every two months, haha, do that now and I can make a sweater
2. I’m not too big on the whole skin of a teenager thing, I never had a problem with my skin EVER even during the awkward teenager stage (figured it was my reward for having every other awkward teenage affliction, no boobs, not sporty and not exactly voted most popular), but now I’m oily and pimply-BLEUGH!
3. Swollen feet and swollen fingers are ANNOYING and painful 🙁 and I only expected it waaaay later- apparently , everyone is different, oh-yeah me
4. I’m a whale! not even 4 months yet and I’m a oompa loompa in most of my clothes-seriously caught my reflectionS in a fitting room mirror the other day and almost got arrested for shattering the mirrors, I always dreamed that when I got pregnant I’d stay my usual size with just a lil tummy HAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO! my everything is bloated and fatter, especially my arms! pretty sure
5. I’m always hungry! until I eat a little then I feel ridiculously full or need to barf 🙁 but even so I manage to have picked up tons of weight, double 🙁
6. I have now noticed cellulite creeping down to my knees, I used to be able to wear mini’s and shorts like no body’s business , but that seems to be a thing of the past, extensive googling says it should subside with birth PLEASE OH PLEASE BE TRUE
7. Im an emotional wreck, seriously EVERYTHING makes me cry, or more likely scream….
This being said I would not trade any of this for the world (OK i could trade it) but would not give up being pregnant for the world! Im extremely ridiculously out of my skin happy with the idea that I will soon have my very own bundle of joy and hey as all my mommy friends say, bad skin, bloating and all the other annoying things are temporary while the love of a child is forever 🙂 (well prob not when they are 16 but other times, yes)

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