What’s shaking? A month of Herbalife

Rob and I have started a Herbalife journey. Something you might have noticed by all the shake pictures on my Instagram 

This is not my first time using Herbalife but it is the first time working…here is what’s different this time around.

– I’m doing it with Robin, having your partner join you makes things easier, you aren’t buying and preparing two meals and you have someone to be accountable to apart from yourself (because yourself will sneak you an extra donut, you know that sabotaging, sugar-loving so and so)

– Weight loss is not the aim (stop laughing, I’m serious) for the first time I’m not focussed on just dropping the kilograms, I’m wanting to create a healthier way of living where sugar-free jellybeans do not a meal make. So we started the shakes so we would stop skipping breakfast and do a second shake because we are always on the run and don’t always eat lunch so come supper time we eat anything and everything we can get our hands on.

– We do food prep. We have to have a few protein-rich snacks a day and to avoid the work tuck shops we boil the eggs and make the tuna or chicken salads ahead of time.

– We buy less crap. We don’t eat a lot of processed food when it comes to actual meals – but boy do we like that snack cupboard – these days the only snack available is high protein, low sugar, low carb and unless I’m willing to bake a whole cake I’m not likely to eat it.

– We cut ourselves some slack. We had burgers for supper last night and we did not make a big deal out of it. I believe that if you focus too hard on “dieting” you are not likely to succeed.

– We started in a team, instead of going on our own, we joined a WhatsApp group where we shared our journey including, what we were eating and what was in the shakes and it made it all a fun challenge.

I did a #couplegoals challenge with a few loved ones and will be sharing that on the blog soon, I wanted to check if other people also found it easier to stick to the Herbalife life when their significant other was involved…so keep an eye out for that…r

*The Lifestyle Wellness Hub in Port Elizabeth are providing us with Herbalife products for review. They are awesome with doing check-ins and weigh-ins and have your back way past the point of sale


Lunchtime with my double coffee shake thanks to @lifestylewellnesshub

A post shared by Robin Damien Meyers (@meyersrobin) on

One thought on “What’s shaking? A month of Herbalife

  1. Venean says:

    I’ve been following and looks like you are really enjoying it ❤ big ups on the lifestyle love that you aren’t being hard on yourself about being human!

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