How to make your own laptop/tablet sleeve

diy laptop sleeve

Anyone in the market for a super easy diy laptop/tablet sleeve?

I recently got a new laptop, it’s rather small (I don’t even think it can be called a laptop in all honesty) and can fit in my handbag. I wanted to keep it protected from everything else that can fit in my handbag – loads of things, loads – so I grabbed some felt, vintage buttons and made my own laptop sleeve – yeah me.

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How to make magnets out of mini groceries

little shop magnets

So I’ve got another fridge magnet DIY for you…

You know how everyone is little shop crazy? You don’t know? You live under a rock do you?

Hehehe just teasing, but really, I didn’t think anything would surpass the PNP stickeez craze, but I was wrong as Checkers sort of hit the nail on the head with their Little Shop Collectables. Grown folk are losing their minds over these tiny stinking cute toys.

I got a bunch yesterday and simple HAD TO turn them into fridge magnets…

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How to make dress-up boxing gloves

So why make dress-up boxing gloves? Well, Aidan is at a “LIKE YOU” stage. He wants to do everything Rob and I do. This includes boxing.
Please be under no illusions that I’m like a boxing person now.

Rob bought me a speed bag and showed me how to use it for stress relief. He himself has a punching bag and now Aidy wants in on the action with his inflatable doll thing that comes back up when you punch it – you know the type.

To make it more realistic I decided to make him some “dress-up boxing gloves” from felt here is how:

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The gift of a family game night

So yesterday I showed you how to make a Pictionary-like board game. Today I show you how to turn that, or any other board game/board games into a great gift for a family you love


. I’m doing this for my family and Robs family this year and I can say it on here because none of them read my blog. True story hahaha my siblings and his (the intended gift receivers) are not blog readers so I can say just about anything about them haahaha…but I love them so I won’t

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Toddler boardgame DIY (Mary had a little lamb)

This week we finish off our Nursery Rhymes with Mary had a little lamb 🙂
I really had to think good and hard to get to a DIY because I have just been too busy with my own little lamb – but I think I nailed it with the toddler board game  – I am super modest, can you tell
Here we have it; a board game your toddler can get involved in 🙂 and I even made the printable available  … download toddler board game HERE

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