Find out how to make a finger puppet from felt

einstein quote

Want to make a cute finger puppet? Well a friend of mine, Mechelle,  is a wiz with felt, she made Aidan a set of finger puppets for Christmas and he LOVES THEM – It is really so great for imagination play. I posted the picture above on instagram and received requests for a tutorial.

Lucky for me Mechelle found time in between raising three beautiful girls, working and studying to do a quick how to for us… (next I’ll ask her how she makes gummy berry juice because I can’t imagine where else she gets the energy from)

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Radio/TV Personality Kia Johnson talks beauty



Today I chat beauty and mammahood with SA tv and radio personality Kia Johnson.

So before I disappeared from the blogesphere last week,  I shared some expert hacks from celeb chef Siba  This week I have another celeb expert sharing her tips and tricks – this time on beauty.

The ridiculously beautiful Kia “How on earth is she mom of two under five” Johnson shares some of her beauty tips and chats about being a mom of two:

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Super Easy Seed Bar Recipe

justellabella seed bar recipe

Aidan is a  picky eater of note and his picky eating ways have made me a food ninja!

I used to be a food assassin, but he was on to me so I have joined the cloak and dagger world of the ninja (ninjas don’t wear cloaks, Eleanor – whatever! It works) any way I am now a food ninja who sneaks vitamins and extra calories into meals with the precision of a synchronized swimmer – my metaphors are all over the place hey.

Anyway I am a food ninja  and these seed bars are one of my secret weapons.

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How to encourage creativity in your toddler/preschooler

There is no doubt that Aidan has a strong creative side whether he is making up stories to tell me, making up songs to sing, painting or taking pictures, it is a big part of who he is at the moment.
Creativity is a great skill to have, it opens you up to a world of possibilities so I try to encourage this side of him…(without ignoring the other sides naturally)As I’m not a trained teacher or child psychologist the following 10 tips have not gone through clinical trial 🙂 It is just what I believe as a “creative adult” and parent to a “creative child”.

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