New Blog for my Birthday…

So in honour of my birthday…I HAVE A NEW LOOK BLOG!

I won it in a blog competition at YEAH ME!


So it's my birthday again, I started the day out by reading last year's birthday post, Its amazing how much things can change but yet stay the same.

On one hand, I got my wish, I'm pregnant and pretty soon we will be starting our new lives with a bouncing baby boy – he has the bouncing thing down already! Along with uncomfortable stretching and loads of kicks…

On the other hand there's a lot of sadness in our lives as a family, my aunt/Godmother's prognosis is not good at all. The emotions related to it makes me wanna barf! U ever feel so emotional you wanna throw up? That's how I feel…like my body doesn't actually know how to process this information…All these memories of me spending time with my aunt clouds my head, its funny how you don't realise how integral someone is to your life until loss stares you square in the face.

Well that's me today, still keeping the faith even though I'm running low…

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8 thoughts on “New Blog for my Birthday…

  1. Catriona @ Precious Impressions says:

    Happy Belated Birthday hunny ๐Ÿ™‚ Sorry I missed this post yesterday. Your blog looks lovely.

    p.s strongs for dealing with your aunt's illness. It's emotionally and physically draining to have a sick family member. I know the feeling.

    take care

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