Foodie Friday: puffed rice parfait

The other morning I woke up wanting something fancy for breakfast.
Then I remembered that it was the end of January and lemon juice for my water could be considered fancy right about now.
But I am nothing if not resourceful and came up with a rice crispies parfait that was actually really yummy and would be awesome as a  sleep over breakfast 🙂

1/2 cup Plain/Greek yogurt
Table spoon of frozen berries (I freeze them when they are on special so I have for smoothies and such)
1/2 rice crispies (cause I eat children’s cereal….and win at adulting)

– Heat the berries so the that it’s not all frozen and you have a nice warm berry juice to flavour your yogurt(you can add a drop of honey to combat the tartness)
– layer: cereal, yogurt, then fruit
Tah DAH! !!!
Calorie wise this is 140cal 🙂 (fitness pal)

washi tape glass magnet DIY

If you are stuck for a cute gift idea, this is definitely a go to
It’s cheap, easy and looks so pretty. I made mine with double sided tape and two weeks later it’s still on the fridge BUT if you want to make sure of durability I suggest replacing the double sided tape with modge podge.

What you need

– Glass stones from the garden or craft section of most stores – these are Mr Price Home

– Washi tape (this is a great way to use up those last pieces of tape)
– Double sided tape or modge podge
– Glue
– Magnets
– Exacto knife
– paper

What you do

Stick down a piece of washi tape onto your paper
Cut the paper, and place double sided tape on the picture side
You can skip the double sided tape and modge podge the picture onto the glass stone
If you double sided taped it on now is the time to trim off excess
If you modge podge you would want to trim before glueing
Now just glue on a magnet… and leave to dry
You should be left with pretty magnets like this…
They are much prettier in real life, the flash from my camera just seems to refract badly

Come craft with me on tums2tots

Awesome news guys! well for me anyway – hehe
Mandy from Pregnant in Cape Town is now also Mandy from Tums2Tots Online because she bought the online magazine – as one does – and is granting me another little piece of the internet.
In case the blog, twitter, instagram, pinterest and facebook aren’t enough – perhaps I didn’t get enough attention as a child, haha
Any who I have partnered up with Tums2Tots for a fun new column called Crafting Corner with Ella and I am super excited to share more DIYs with you guys over there…

So far I have shared how to make a Plush Christmas Tree, which you can easily decorate with stickers, or leave blank as part of your room decor

I also made some quick and easy Cloud Dough which is seriouslyawesome and lasts quite a long time.

I have loads more ideas so do WATCH THIS SPACE!!! and comment with any DIY Ideas you might have

Everyday hacks #ellabellatips

So I love sharing tips, I’m that friend who will do research for you (sad hehe) I’m always game to share tips and have started doing that using  #ellabellatips on Instagram… I am always looking for hacks, so if you ever post please tag me either @justellabella or #ellabellatips and I will share it on my monthly tip countdown (which is what today is by the way)

If little hands struggle with taking stickers off…
Removing the backing sheet off stickers helps A LOT

Replacing your ice-cubes with Frozen grapes keeps your drink cool
without diluting it

No need for scrubbing to get labels off bottles
Just soak them in warm (hot even) soapy water and they glide off
– I learnt this WAYYY too late in life

Punching holes in material makes for a great “sewing” activity

A easy make ahead breakfast:
 Freeze peppers, bacon, mushrooms and spinach in containers ahead of time
When ready for breakfast, defrost in microwave,season, break an egg over and microwave again for a minute (depending on how you like your eggs

To make coloured coconut just pop some in a zip lock baggy with a few drops of food colouring (little by little to avoid clumps… and mix like Aidan does in this video… repeating “mix mix, roll roll” is optional 🙂

Last but by no means least I now do a crafting column for Tums 2 Tots Online, I am beyond excited, do check it out 🙂

The gift of a family game night

So yesterday I showed you how to make a Pictionary-like board game. Today I show you how to turn that, or any other board game/board games into a great gift for a family you love


. I’m doing this for my family and Robs family this year and I can say it on here because none of them read my blog. True story hahaha my siblings and his (the intended gift receivers) are not blog readers so I can say just about anything about them haahaha…but I love them so I won’t

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