Swimming with “natural hair”…tips and tricks (with Vlog)

One of the benefits of embracing your natural hair is that you don’t have to plan swimming trips around your hairdressers schedule. The amount of times I have either heard or said the phrase: “I’d swim but I don’t want to get my hair wet/spoil my style”, is quite frankly insane. You don’t have that with natural hair, you don’t have to calculate the money wasted on your hair if you go take a dip. But as with everything regarding natural hair;  it’s not quite as easy as it looks.


So I decided to share some tips and tricks with you. Some are from trial and error and others are from a trained professional…You’re welcome

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Gimme Naturals Curl Cure Review…the good, the bad, the meh

This past week I tried out Gimme Naturals Curl Cure Food. I was nervous NOT GONNA LIE because I really like the creator of the product, Michelle from Stylish Steppers and wasn’t sure what I’d do if it sucked? I mean she’s the only stylist that has been able to deal with this bush IN YEARS, so if I didn’t like the product (and you guys know I’d be honest in the review regardless) I’d have to find a new stylist and a new friend (because I would legit just avoid her) and I’m too lazy for that…Reminds me of the time my friend Nadine wrote a book and I read it saying please don’t suck please don’t suck…it didn’t suck see here.

Anyway I used it for a wash and go on Monday (the curl cure not the book) and added nothing else for the week…these are my opinions…

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You decided to dye your natural hair…now what?

Can you dye your natural hair? Will you even be considered a natural after that? will you get kicked off all the groups and stripped of your detangling brush and coconut oil?

In all seriousness, I don’t really know what constitutes being a natural, in my book it’s no chemicals , no heat. and since I’m more low chemicals, minimal heat, I see myself as a bos kop/a curly girl/pro natural.

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Chase Rhys…curly countdown

I haven’t done a curly countdown in ages so I thought it might be fun to include a dude for a change. Our curly guy is Cape Town Writer and performing artist Chase Rhys.

The 28-year-old from Ocean View outside Cape Town is the winner of the inaugural Adam Rosalie Small Award for Debutant writers for his play, Kinnes.

He wrote his first play, Kinnes to honour the lives of the children who are victims of violence on the Cape Flats and to ask why the most vulnerable people in our communities are not adequately protected.

I love the concept of the play and the subject matter is something that has bothered me since I was old enough to understand the impact of what  I was reading in the news. It is so awesome to see young writers achieve, but then on the other side of this, I must say THAT HAIR THO…here is his curly countdown

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DIY hair gel in 10 minutes (cheap and really works)

I have been using DIY hair gel for the last two weeks and I am OBSESSED

I had seen a bunch of curly girls rave about DIY hair gel on social media, but quite frankly I thought they were taking this natural movement to the extreme, because who has the time and energy to make their own DIY hair gel, conditioner, masks and whatever? (go suffer buyers remorse at Clicks and Dischem like the rest of us!) I wondered, who are these people? but now, I am these people – since I found out the benefits of Flaxseed gel on your hair and also how cheap the seeds are and easy the gel is to make.

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