Host an Oreo inspired games day

So this weekend we hosted an Oreo Cup games day. Granted the Oreo Cup is actually an online game where you play against the rest of the Oreo loving world and stand in line to win big prizes for your efforts. But we thought we would put our own spin on it and host a team building day.

So we rounded up bloggers from around Nelson Mandela Metro and got a little (a lottle) competitive… Here some tips to hosting your own Oreo inspired games day.

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When we #sharethebay, quite literally

You may have noticed that I like to #sharethebay. Meaning I like to show off the city in blog posts and social media…I’m proudly NMB and the #ECMeetup proves that there is much to be proud of.

Since day one, when Lu and I decided to give this blogger meetup thing a go, we have been embraced and supported by the city. She talks about our day one homies (nope I am definitely not street enough to make that work) over on her blog today. Meanwhile, I want to chat about the new guys…

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