Ask Hein

Fanged up wants to know:
Was Dracula a myth?
Actually no Im pretty sure he was a mithterl

N Glish asks:
Whats the difference between retrospect and hindsight?
Retrospect is mental reflection on the past while hindsight is a proctologist’s view…sometimes shiny enough it reflects

Gean Eius asks:
Did you know that Albert Einstein only wore one outfit every day and had multiples of that same outfit so he never used to waste time deciding what to wear?
Yes, a fashionista’s worst nightmare, seems like he didnt bother with his hair much either, just sick his finger in an electric socket and his good to go…shocking. Then again his brain was so unique his looks didnt really have to count

F Y I says:
Did you know that the earthquake in Japan shifted the globe 8cm off its axis?
Wow that is alot actually…Im definately using that as an excuse next time Im running late.

Seriously thou, let us spare a thought for the Japanese, we in SA are so fortunate that we would never know what an earthquake feels like…we are blessed with few natural disaster but cursed with an abundance of natural idiots.

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