Ask Hein

Here are the latest queries for Hein to clarify 🙂

Befuddles asks:My wife and I have constant arguments and frankly Im getting tired of the fighting, how do I win?
Haha well in my experience there will always be arguments thou its not about winning or losing but more if u grow from it.
Having said that I would also like to add that, from experience, men argue; women win!

Phil Losofer asks:Is it true that we think therefore we are?
I dont think so coz with my short attention span I should have evaporated out of existance a long time ago.

Limbless wants to know:If time heals all wounds how long does it take to regrow an amputated limb?
Approximately 425years, give or take a decade…if you dont believe me then you wait and see.

Ann Gree asks:How does one properly get rid of blood stains on carpets, beds, curtains and car upholstry ?
Lady sounds to me the blood stains are the very least of your problems.

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