5 things I didn’t know about having a kid

I don’t know who took the chocolate from your bag mommy

1. The phrase “sleeping like a baby” is apparently a sarcastic comment, because sleep interrupted by nagging and crying is hardly restful, neither is sleep that can only be achieved when people tiptoe around you, avoiding noisy toys like they are in a low budget spy movie.
2.  Babies are quite expensive – I knew they weren’t cheap,but I didn’t expect my monthly “baby budget” to rival the cast of Jersey Shore’s “tan budget”, it shouldn’t, should it?
3.  A one-year-old can cause roughly the same amount of havoc as a rock group on tour, in less time. Seriously I can put Aidan down in the family room, go to my bedroom, put down my bag, come back and all heck would have broken lose; he unpacks things, throws and pulls things off, climbs in to things…at any given moment it can look like a toy store has set up a badly organised pop-up store in my house – and I know he is not the only one, many a child I know can take a room from “show house quality”  to “I promise I’m not a hoarder” in no time.
4. Kids have multiple personalities… Aidan will go to lunch with his dad, eat a few chips, colour-in, play in play room- awww sweet. He will go to lunch with his mom, throw a few chips on the floor, eat his crayons, get on the table, squirt juice out of his juice box – uhmmm same kid?
Or he will sing along to nursery rhymes with me and repeat phrases, but when I try to get him to do it when someone else is in the room he makes me look like I have a vivid imagination and all he can say is goo-goo gaga.
5. Kids change everything you thought you knew about having kids, every eye roll at a noisy kid on a plane, every judgemental thought about kids throwing tantrums in a shop –  your views will completely change…in fact if you have ever as much as thought “My kid will never….” or “I will never let my kid…” chances are you are about to eat those words along with whatever half eaten slightly soggy treat your kid decides to “share” with you (you shouldn’t say no to a baby offering you something apparently- yummmm)

Aidan’s room, the joys

I think I’m being outwitted by a 13month old…

Aidan with his limited vocab is already shaping up to be a precocious little thing who catches me out like:
– When I pointed at a picture of a car in a book and asked him what it was and he said…page (proof on instagram)
– Or when I catch him at the plug socket after warning him countless times and he turns to the plug socket, hits it and says DON’T (sure…. the socket played with you, not the other way around) – his don’t sounds like doughn
– When I catch him with something he is not supposed to have and he hands it to me “taa mama”  like it was his plan all along
– Or the awkwardest out of the lot, when you take off his nappy and he makes fake pee sounds psssssssssssss then laughs
– He hits me and says “don’t hitting” I don’t know what this is about, think he thinks it’s a game because I tell him “we don’t hit” – sounds like doughn hittin
– He doesn’t eat very well-super fussy-but does love to feed me and then says “mmmmmm nom nom” (what he calls food) while indicating I must eat it, uhm no u eat it little man!!!
– He tells me to “come” if he wants to feed and has told me “don’t” or “no” if he doesn’t like the song I’m singing to him – He however sings along to any and everything
– and Monday night he proceeds to take off one sock and is struggling with it while saying “put on” (he makes it sound like one word puttin) I try to help him put it on  and he cries blue murder turns out you need to “puttin” the same foot as the other sock his right foot needs to be freeeeeee
WISH ME LUCK, hehehe

Aidan’s First Birthday pics

Aidan’s Barn Yard party was a success! Well I think so, the only real faux pas was a little “incident” involving the cake and my chest area oh and my curls decided not to curl (the joys-more a genetics problem than a party problem though) but otherwise everything was really nice and the kids had fun, what more could  we ask for…
For more party pictures go over to the  JustEllaBella facebook group
In fact if I have lots of pictures to post my fb group will be the way to go from now on, these teeny pictures are just shameful….. with that in mind here are my own bday pics

I have a 1 year old people

Aidan is a year old people!!!!! Where did time go?! I don’t have pics from his party yet, but will load asap, a friend made this collage so you can at least have an idea of what went on J

APPEARANCE:  He is looking much more toddlerlike these days and is a “boskop” like his mom (head of unruly curls for non South Africans) 

PERSONALITY:  He is such a joker, it’s actually weird to see someone so little with so much personality, he fake coughs, fake sings and fake eats all to get a laugh – my little performer

HE CAN NOW: point out body parts and say quite a few words, he calls me mummy and robin is Daaa, and will say when he is “done” or wants you to “come” and can say a few family members names and even calls himself “Aian” on occasion. He can climb most anything but is still not walking

LOVES: He loves drawing and unpacking oh and climbing into things like drawers, the fridge, etc. you need to keep a close eye on him at all times

DISLIKES: EATING!!!!  —– yes this one still stands

MOM: Is sooooo proud of her little person