Mom, does this diaper make my butt look big.

Soooo I like fashion and I like kids (in a non Michael Jackson way-yes it’s wrong to make fun of the dead) so it’s to be expected that the two loves would cross at some point.
Growing up I always expected I’d have a little girl to dress up in little dresses, with lavish bows in her hair and a rediculous amount of ballet pumps, but life seems to be going in a completely different direction with all signs predicting IT’S A BOY!
My family knows that growing up the only reason I had dolls was so I could dress them up (non of that tea party and putting to bed nonsense, more like dress up and stand up) So they seem ever so slightly concerned that I have plans of turning Logan into a mini Diva. I don’t have any such plans don’t worry!
 I do have plans of getting him cute outfits though, I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t!
But nothing outrageous, I’m not one of those moms on Toddlers and Tiaras who try to turn their 3-year-olds into fabulous little adults with fake tans, fake hair, fake teeth, NO SIR
In any case I will prob end up with a son who is like my husband – who would rather not brush his hair or get dressed up without being bribed.
But for now I just like clothes and the pregnancy means every second thort is baby baby baby, That being said. here are some toddler boy’s outfit ideas from around the interweb.

Don’t worry I’m not doing this:

But I just might:

22 weeks and an emotional wreck

I woke up sad, that’s never a good thing, like i have no control over my emotions, I’d ball my eyes out at a tyre ad 🙁 ahhhh the swollen everything and nausia was obviously not enough, well enough feeling sorry for myself atleast the little one is doing great

22 Weeks Pregnant: Intimacy and Pregnancy

Pregnancy Week 22: All About Baby

Your baby’s brain is growing daily. Her senses are also starting develop. She can hear the sound of your heart along with your breathing. As she wiggles her fingers, she may touch her face or even suck her thumb. Her lungs are becoming more mature, and she even goes through the motions of breathing. She can also swallow, although she won’t have her first real meal until delivery day.

The 21st week so Im over the halfway mark for real now

So it is the start of week 21 wowzer!week 20 didn’t go so well, I was put on bed rest for 3 days, most annoying thing EVERRRRRRRRRRRR! But it had to be done, he’s laying way too low and putting loads of pressure on my bladder and anything else he could find down there.
He has not moved all that much and I’m actually currently at worked propped up on cushions with boxes keeping my feet elevated-this is going to be a looooooooooong day, but on the plus side, my little boy (Dr confirmed it’s a boy) is happy and healthy and kicking up a storm with a pair of long legs (see below)

See his long legs, haha someone does not take after his mom

Pregnancy Week 21: According to Babyzone

Your little one will begin to fill out over the next few weeks. Fat layers form throughout your unborn baby’s body. These layers will eventually keep him warm and insulated once outside the womb. Soft hair, called lanugo, covers his body, too. His eyelids are still closed, making him appear like he’s sleeping, but frequent wiggles will let you know he’s awake. You may also feel Baby hiccupping.Those jerky motions you feel in your belly are a result of little lungs practicing the important task of breathing.


So we’ve made it to the half way mark and to celebrate my body is giving me a break 🙂 no swelling, nausea, cramps nothing except an over active baby, gees when I was all, wish I could feel him move I didn’t know he was training to be a gymnast/kick boxer

20 Weeks Pregnant: Let's Talk About Gender


About baby

Baby is about 10 inches long (crown to heel) and around 10 ounces. Your belly button may become an “outie” as the uterus presses on it from behind. Some women swear that putting a Band-Aid on it helps keep it from brushing painfully against their clothes. Worth a try!

(well my belly button is where I left it but 10 inches is about 25cm – if I remeber correctly-thats scary when you take into consideration, I’m only 1.52, hahaha)

Loving without knowing

pic from:

Can you love someone you have never met?
No this is not a religious or a philosophical question and I don’t mean never met like if you were to meet someone online…I’m referring to my still in the making baby.
More and more I find my trepidation towards the whole being a mother thing being replaced with the type of excitement that starts small and builds up and builds up till it has nowhere to go, like when you try to stifle a laugh and it ends up coming out in a sort of snort and draws even more attention to you.
A calming joy that overcomes the most difficult moment or a happiness you just cant contain. That is the kind of love I’m experiencing, I could not be happier if I tried!!! my happiness comes in unexpected bursts, like when Logan (we think -scan was 80% sure- it’s a boy and have decided to name him Logan) kicks or wriggles around in me and it feels like I’m sharing this big secret with a much loved stranger or when I see other parents with their young children and I can’t wait for my own little bundle of joy, I just want to grab him out of my dreams and make him a reality.
Its a kind of  love that has no reason or motivation, is this possible? I’m sure it is because that is how I feel, I’m twice my normal size, my clothes don’t fit, I can’t sleep and I have enough aches and pains to rival the most inventive hypochondriac , but behind it all I smile,I’m happy, I’m content and what makes my happiness grow ten fold is having someone who shares this love with me. I have a husband who dotes over me and just like me can hardly wait to start the next chapter of our lives…

19th week already?

Week 19 starts today (according to latest scan) and along with that comes the sad news that the husband is off to training again, this time it’s just for two months, but I swear it already feels like a lifetime.
The house renovations and things also take place during this two month period which is not ideal.  Because I pretty much figure dealing with an often stressfull job and all the joys that come with the second trimester of pregnancy is enough for me without adding missing the husband and dodging builders. bleugh!
But that aside I’m very happy the pregnancy is going so well at the moment…. heres what babyzone says about the coming week:

19 Weeks Pregnant: Celebrity Baby Bumps
In your 19th week of pregnancy, your unborn baby’s organs continue to grow. His body is covered with lanugo—soft hairs and a sticky protective coating that keeps his skin from drying out in the amniotic fluid. Your baby is moving frequently, and by now you should be able to feel those movements. Your physician can hear your baby-to-be’s heartbeat with a stethoscope placed on your abdomen.