This week and the baba

It’s my 12th week of pregnancy and according to the baby should be looking like this:

12 Weeks Pregnant: Pregnant at Work
The end of the first trimester marks an important step for your baby-to-be. All of her major body systems are in place. In her digestive system, her small intestine is no longer entwined with the umbilical cord, but instead is tucked neatly within the abdomen. Her nervous system continues to develop, and her brain’s structure is fully formed. Many of her organs are starting to work on their own, too. For instance, her thyroid begins to secrete hormones. In your 13th week of pregnancy, she’s no longer considered an embryo, but instead graduates into a fetus. She’s already looking more and more like the baby you’re probably imagining—she even has tiny fingernails.

The first trimester is over in a few days which means we out of the main danger zone 🙂 and I believe it means my extreme tiredness will be a thing of the past soon. WHOOP WHOOP! its not over yet so i need a nap.
I always need a nap, except at night when I cant sleep.
I’m showing a lil baby bump now! I like this because I’m finally starting to look pregnant and not just wayyy too big for my clothes (which I am)


We are having a baby!!!

It’s so weird to say the words, I’m pregnant, but hey that’s what I am, in less than 30weeks I am going to be some1s mom!
We have known for a while now, but didn’t want to say anything untill we got the all clear from the Dr, and now that the doctor is very happy, so are we.
Being prego does have it’s downsides though, I seem to have turned into a baby myself, I sleep, pee and eat, then sleep again,I’m also really cranky.

I’m also getting sooo huge, I nearly died when I was weighed at 8 weeks and I had gained like 5kgs, YOH YOH!
The doctor tells me not to worry some people gain early and shorter ppl tend to show earlier, yeah me!!!

But all in all we are really happy—will keep you informed *smiley face*