What the “Elle” are you doing

I hate people using my name as a swear word!!!
No not, how the “Eleanor!” could you do that or stumping your toe and saying holy “Eleanor!” .
Rather like when Mr Wilson screams “Dennis” when the little fictional boy is being a menace or when you were little and your mom sternly said your name when you were doing something wrong (and in the words of comedian Russel Peters, you knew: someone was gonna get a hurt real bad)
It might sound strange, but if any of my peers do that it seriously annoys me, even if they use it when typing.
“I told you that, ELEANOR.”
I don’t get annoyed because I love my name and want to protect its sanctity- I’m not a crazy person (Like Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory, my mom had me tested)
Actually, I always thought Eleanor was a bit too formal to suit my personality. (Might be why Iv been asked if I’m standing in for Eleanor,when attending events)
When I started technicon I met a girl who said, “Eleanor? That doesn’t work for me” and christened me Elle – I stared open mouthed, but didn’t argue because I might or might not be a big scaredy cat and thought Elle sounded cooler anyway.
Then later, a few years after joining the working world a good friend, Lyndall (she has a bunch of names of her own to contend with) , started introducing me to people as Ella then later Ella Bella – mainly because she likes to annoy me, but I quite liked it and that is where justellabella comes from, but I digress – I sometimes need a mental GPS system to keep me on track –
The point is, I hate having my name used as if it leaves a bad taste in your mouth, so don’t do it, k 🙂

The beginning

So like about a million people out there, I have decided to start a blog. I’m not sure why, I think this could be one of three things;

1. I have way too much to say and not enough people to listen to me – This is likely, I have been known to talk a lot and I have been running out of friends and family to bore (thank goodness for twitter).

2. Maybe I figure spending my whole day in front of the computer at work and attached to my blackberry the rest of the time was not enough so I wanted to squeeze more tech time into my day.

3. Maybe I’m super conceited and think people give a damn about what I have to say and what pictures I took and so on and so forth – maybe hey

Who knows, all I know is I’m here now and I have a platform to write what I want when I want and at the very least it should keep me out of trouble…as if my stir-fry in front of the TV, 3 books a month, diy loving ass really gets into trouble. (Well not much)