Category: chat
Good riddance to the week
Blog post dedicated to a friend |
Today’s blog post was supposed to be about my new fascination with cameo jewellery but in light of other happenings that seems rather inconsequential.
A close friend lost her partner and father of her children last night and the very thought breaks my heart, this particular friend (don’t want to mention names in case she is not comfortable with it) is the type you can always run to in time of need and to see her or even think of her (she is out of town) this distraught, is really sad. I didn’t know him well but know from stories that he was a good man and great father. It breaks my heart that she is currently pregnant and has a baby daughter too-it just doesn’t seem fair.
He was very young only 30 and I think what makes it worse is that it was so sudden, no warning no nothing.
If you are reading this my friend I wish you all the best, nothing I can say can make it better, but know I’m here for you no matter what.
Under construction
Will upload tomorrow, have a good Thur, I’m gonna spend most of mine hiding my face – It’s super bloated I’m peeling badly 🙁
Things that suck!
I once met a lady with wings
I did hey she walked in a business suit and a pair of fairy wings and introduced herself as a fairy godmother, turns out she is a ex all out career type who had a bit of a break down and then gave up the rat race to make other peoples dreams come true. Then there was the woman who was partially paralyzed in an accident as a young woman, fought her way back to health, learnt to speak write and walk all from scratch and ended up working with disabled people, showing them they can do anything they put their minds too, now she’s retired and works with the less fortunate. Then there was this woman who had a massive brain tumor, most people had given up on her recuperating, but she did and went on to paint some of the most beautiful paintings I have ever seen and write a very successful book. Then there was the man who had advanced stage cancer, he was given weeks to live, but he wasn’t ready to give up his wife and family – that was a year ago.