Category: chat
Don’t call me, seriously! I cant answer :(
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I’m sooooo frustrated this morning!!! Mainly because my phone needs to go in for repairs, I know you’re thinking, “that is not the end of the world, sometimes technology fails and you need to get it sorted”, that is all good and well, but this is the third time with THE SAME PHONE!!!!!
I haven’t even had the blackberry for that long , but it seems to spend more time being “repaired” (I think they actually just stick a sticker on it and ship it back to me) than it does with me, and when it is with me, the tracker pad gets stuck and I have to watch, IN COMPLETE FRUSTRATION, how a text, email, bbm or app upgrade is sent to my phone and I cant do anything about it! it also sucks that I CANT SWITCH OFF MY ALARM!!!! it’s stuck on snooze and has gone off every 5 minutes since six this morning.
I complained to the cellphone company and apparently they can give me a new phone (I’m on contract) FINALLY! but wait there is a catch.
You know all those other times I took it in naively believing that “sending it in for repairs” meant “getting it fixed” (and ending up waiting over a month to get it back – it was supposed to take two weeks at a time, so imagine my surprise after phoning and going in a couple of times to pick up phone and being told it was not ready, then getting a phone call asking when I’m coming to collect my phone that has been in their storage room for ages- IDIOTS!).
Anyway apparently they can’t give me a new phone unless I prove my phone has been in “for repairs” repeatedly. I must prove this by supplying them with the receipts from the previous repairs, which I didn’t keep because quite frankly I did not think I’d need it again!!!
I’m currently so annoyed I could spit (I don’t spit, but prob could now) anyway wish me luck or at least get bail money together for the case of “frustrated customer beats cellphone shop employee into a coma with broken blackberry” I just might be involved in that.
Have a good day all.
I’m determined to not have Thursday suck…
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This is not a picture of mine, mine did not last long enough for photoshoots this one is from here |
Which means my belief in the power of prayer has been restored 😀
Added to that great news I’ve just had two muffin/cupcake thingies for breakfast because I feel great (even though this week is taking FOREVER!!!)
The one was carrot cake and the other a Earl Grey sultana masterpiece which was so yumdilly scrumptious I bought another for lunch (about that diet…)
Any way just wanted to share the great news and thank you for holding thumbs.
One of my favourite sayings, rings true today:
Doctor Schoctor
Feel free to call me crazy, but nothing makes me feel quite as sick as going to the doctor.
It fills me with so much dread I often think the doctor I should be visiting would have me on a couch explaining "how that makes me feel".
But seriously I have weirdest thoughts while waiting at doctors offices. After chatting to receptionist who would clearly rather be doing anything, anything at all expect speak to me (why are they always so rude!) I find myself in waiting room mentally muttering to myself… (Hey score!!! A nice receptionist she must have failed the bitch test)
-ok gotta mentally list what's wrong with me or I'll end up with no answer to the "so what can I do for you today/what seems to be the problem" question. Crap now I can't remember, why am I here anyway? Everyone else looks like they are dying, now I'm either going to end up looking like a hypocondriac or I'll take one of the other patients illnesses with me, good 1! come in with flu leave with TB.
I hate being here wish the husband wouldn't get tired of nagging and drag me here. I don't like waiting much and the magazines are older than my baby sister. If I bring my own mags I always get looked at like I'm hogging then stealing the good 1s. Yes I over think things damn waiting room gives me to much damn time to think! Where was I oh making list of ailments, damn can't remember. Last thing I need is to make a miraculous recovery when my name is about to be called (not that I don't want to get better, just would prefer it happened at home watching tv not while doctor looks at me wanting answers to his probing questions). In the past ailments have included falling off the same horse three times into a cactus and falling down stairs with spoon in my mouth and hurting jaw, getting into scuffle with muggers and dislocating my shoulder, a locked jaw, ears that wouldn't stop ringing, a broken toe from kicking the pillow, this doctor must think I'm such a drama queen, bleugh it's my turn and luckily all the anxiety has made me look rather sick, good start…
PS. Just walked in and new dr was actually at my school, awkward much
Taste of childhood
I'm off sick today, and amongst other things I feel like a car that has completely run out of petrol! Sputtering and dragging along, nt a good feeling…
Here's what being home sick has taught me
– my house needs a good clean (I'm gonna wait for housekeeper tomorrow)
– Its possible to actually feel green
– I don't like being sick it makes me a nag and being a nag is pointless if there is no1 to nag too
– my bathroom is too far from TV
– lots of the shows on Disney should be banned for annoyingness
– the day goes by real fast if you fall asleep all the time
– u always get offered best food when you can't eat
– I can't switch my brain off, constantly thinking bout work
….Enough complaining…have a good hump day