Heres hoping

Some days are just sucky,
they can’t help themselves

I woke up feeling really sad today, It’s not uncommon for me to have a sad day (chemical imbalance, they tell me while trying to get me to take meds), but usually I’m on top of the situation.
 Not so much this morning. My mood seems to be mirroring the weather all doom and gloom, which sucks because mostly things are going well in Elleville.
I hate being like this! it annoys me because I can’t stand being a downer and I’m starting to sound like Eeyore from Winnie  the Pooh.
“When stuck in the river, it is best to dive and swim to the bank yourself before someone drops a large stone on your chest in an attempt to hoosh you there,” Eeyore

So today I’m going to try and see that silver lining around the dark cloud (and not be sad it’s not gold).
I’m still pretty down at the moment, think I’ll grab a chocolate and take the “fake it till you feel it” approach

Have a great day – that way I can live vicariously

When is too early for Phuza Thursday

So today is my Friday (long weekend) but I feel more like it's Monday and nt that pretty pale blue Monday like the summer sky, more like the blue from bruises you have no recollection of inflicting on yourself.
Anyway I'm writing this from bed freaking out between bouts of trying to fall asleep and worrying about tomorrows work load, that's me, a pre-event stresser. I'm funny that way, I never stress in a situation it's always before or after. It often works to my advantage because by the time I get to the office my body would have had a Jersey Shore style fight. My mind would no doubt tell my nervous system to man up and stop being a drama queen, my nervous system (racing heart,racing thoughts and sweaty palms) will go into a sulk and I'm left to go on with my work.
Anyway I'm currently trying to wrap my head around how to make deadline a day earlier (tomorrow) in order to see my husband graduate on Friday.
He will officially be a constable detective and I wouldn't miss the ceremony for the world (way to proud) even if I already feel dreams of murderous clocks coming on-death by deadline.
I brought some work home ,but as usual it seems I just brought notes on a overnight field trip to my house (I took notes out to start work, but instead it just sat there watching me surf the net and do my hair. It then pondered my obsession with the Food Network and judged me as I finished both halves of the wacky wednesday burger special,that's when I put it away) . I can only seem to do work at home on a weekend-go figure.
Anyway I'm way off point and need to get some sleep.
Have a great Thursday all, and send some luck this way, Like a 4leaf clover on a rabbit's foot made into a horseshoe and shoved up a rainbow 😉

Happy Days are here again

I’m ridiculously happy today, like I got off the right side of the bed to receive a lindt fuelled breakfast, which  I didn’t ,but the happiness is on par. Here is why my heart is happy today:

1. My husband FINALLY found out where he will be stationed 🙂 and it’s at his dream station (didn’t know people had those) right near by *happy dance* – subdued one because people can see me.

2. Our God child has been born !!!!! Welcome to the world Zoe cant wait to meet you this afternoon.

3. It’s THE WEEKEND BABY!!!!!!!!!! ok so most of it will be spent vegging, but I don’t mind because I’m a big fan of chocolate fuelled vegetation -sounds like a balanced meal

One of dem days

So today (the last couple of days really) has been HECTIC!!! The kind of hectic that makes you want to laugh because quite frankly the other option would be crying and at least laughing doesn't mess up your make-up.
Not that I wear much make-up, no I don't think I'm a natural beauty who needs no help,I just can't be bothered.
Anyway I'm exhausted and wondering how I'm going to survive a birthday supper followed by girls night (Very close friend though so I can't not go and she can't judge me for yawning like I'm in a parliamentary meeting)
Its funny really because I can't straight out tell you why I'm so exhausted, maybe because Iv been super busy, had to do more damage control than Malema's PR team and have had a defective phone (those following my blog will know the phone thing is a big part of my annoyance)
Anyway I couldn't be happier to be going home for the day…and the Angels sang HALLELUAH!
-have a good eve all.
Chat 2m

Happy Valentine’s Day

 Like many many others today my Valentine’s Day is set to include a couch, snacks and the TV. I’m not pro or con Valentine’s Day, I love chocolate and flowers as much as the next person, but to be honest I prefer them as an everyday treat not just to celebrate the death of a lovesick saint, hehe.
This Valentine’s day is kinda sad because yet again I’m away from the husband, also two people very close to me are suffering from broken hearts and as much as I “don’t care” about the symbolism behind today, I think breaking up the weekend before V’day is really sad.
I always think things will work out though because I’m a firm believer in if it’s meant to be it will be, so on Valentine’s day I wish everyone a happy heart not only today, but in general and try not to over think things because if you do you end up believing, Beauty and the Beast got together because of Stockholm syndrome, Prince Charming has some explaining to do to Cinderella and Snow White and you can only be happy if you get a tiara. Truth is love comes in all shapes and sizes, so today hug the one who gives you love, regardless of who or what you’re into 😉
PS. here are some pics of me and my Valentine: 

EYE can’t see clearly now

My glasses; they do not usually have pictures on, but I do often forget them 🙁
Pity as this means I am practically blind now – going to have to get contacts to alternate both the wearing and the forgetting

So today I’m bitching and moaning, because I can and because I’m annoyed. I forgot my glasses at home so I’m walking around in this odd, uncomfortable blur which has made me somewhat sea sick. Also I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed maybe, which is quite difficult if you consider I woke up so slowly this morning, I swear I felt each cell wake up individually, SUPER LAZY. Then I stood in mirror staring at myself thinking, “you really should get dressed or brush hair or something” and half an hour later I did.
Anyway I ended up forgetting my glasses (dunno what I thought the not seeing thing was all about) so here I sit on my own personal fun fair ride where everyone more than two desks away look like they are in those blurry mirror things.
But it’s Friday and I bought a ridiculous amount of sweeties today and I’m hooking up with high school besties tonight so I shall cheer up soon enough, I HOPE 🙂
PS. Fashion coming shortly