Real life heroes

I have a friend, she’s classy and beautiful, funny and selfless, she watches sport with the boys and drinks (virgin) cocktails with the girls.
She tells it like it is and genuinely cares.
So when the dr told her “it doesn’t look good” the hoards of friends she made over the years were devastated, how now? what now! It sucks that we can’t help!
But my friend doesn’t let the doctors words spook her, she doesn’t let them get to have the last say. With her patented “it will be ok” smile she takes on the world daily and continuously kicks cancer’s ass and what’s more? SHE DOES IT IN STILLETOS AND CORAL LIPSTICK!!!

KAYLA you inspire me!

Sent from my BlackBerryยฎ

Day 3: Something you love

My thing I love is my phone yes, I’m that crazy about my blackberry I use it for everything,  all the time, and it keeps me connected to all the people I love. I chat to other bereaved mothers on it, I research on it, I blog on it and even met my husband on it (another phone, but a phone none the less). So I’m a bit of a phone freak and I’m hardly ever without it. REALLY!
Quick phone story: So this morning I’m sitting on the train watching Big Bang theory on my phone (told you never without it) this lady got in opposite me, she was looking very sad and was talking to her friend about her son being bullied and how hard it was on her (yes I was eavesdropping- but not intentionally, it took a while for my video to load *weak excuse*) anyway, then I got into the episode and must have laughed out loud (literally) because I could feel her looking at me, she then remarked to her friend how happy I looked, how care free and how she missed being like that LITTLE DOES SHE KNOW! But it got me thinking, we really don’t know what is happening in other peoples lives, it reminded me to cut others some slack because you never really know, THE REAL STORY.

Liesl Ah Shene:  her glitter Alice band

Mechelle De Vroom : Her Garden and home

Neo Bodumela : books

Ranique Hendricks: Shoes and Chai Tea

Ronethea Bonaparte : Her daughter

and Salama Davids-Bhana: technology

We have another addition, to the picture project Hein Brown :

Day 1

I wear sunglasses at work as I have a phobia for fluorescent lights, well that’s what I tell them anyway. Secretly it makes me feel like Horatio Cane…YEEEeeOOoWWWw!

Day 2

My breakfast…I was in a hurry to get to work so I could not finish it all

Day 3

Bye bye Mso

I’m so sad ๐Ÿ™ found out my friend passed away last weekend, who knew my heart was capable of more hurt.
Mso and I didn’t chat everyday, in fact we only saw each other at big media events, but there was such a bond there, such a glamorous hole is now left in my heart.
She did fashion and entertainment stories for a paper in Durban, while I did for our paper, she helped me out on my first out of town assignment and after that, for every event we would make sure the PR people put us on similar flights, and gave us hotel rooms close to each other.
As “Fashion week bff’s” we were often more excited to see each other than to see the clothes we were there for.
I know she used to read my blog – I was still supposed to help her set up her own ๐Ÿ™ – I hope that somehow she can read this.
Somehow she needs to know how much she was loved, I’m typing this through tear stained eyes remembering all our fun times together.
Always stylish she’d arrive at hotel breakfasts, in cutest little outfits and then “get dressed” for our expeditions.
How much fun we had! Shopping trips, spa visits, helping each other with laptops and cameras that just wouldn’t work right, getting dressed up for event, finding that perfect shoe, cocktails and gossip sessions, I already miss her so much!
We snuck into VIP parties together, moaned about stuck up celebs together, spoke about starting our own fashion empire and discussed our hopes and dreams.
Once her money got stuck halfway out of the ATM and the two of us, a paranoid pair, waited for the police together, trying to act as casual as possible.
How can this friendly beauty who was often mistaken for a model be gone? How is it possible that we will never again be able to “check in” share a budget lunch at a swanky establishment, or practise our duck pouts together.
I’m saddened that disease ravaged her body and she spent the last months in and out of hospital (she stayed so positive through it all, her last fb statutes were evident of a fighting spirit)
It seems crazy that she is gone, and memories of her play through my mind in bitter sweet remembrance of a life cut fat too short.
I’m saddened that she never got her dream of getting married and having kids ๐Ÿ™ I know she was excited about Logan and said she couldn’t wait to see me as a yummy mummy — here’s hoping they find each other in heaven and who knows, maybe he can be the son she wanted and she can be the mom I long to be for him.

CONGRADS Sal and Maru

Sooo last week I was invited to a wedding!!! for my friend Salama nogal! (actually Im a sucky friend and I almost forgot cos I have porridge brain-my lame excuse)
Anyways they “got married last week” Well actually they have been married for 7 years actually so it’s more of a renewal of vows.
Talk about being sure of your love ๐Ÿ™‚

Eating and shopping at the same time? I likey

I was saying on Saturday how much I love Deli Street Cafe (went there for lunch on Friday) and my friend just sent me pictures she took there so I thought I’d share:
Mo just basically said, “hey pretty light lets take a pic”
and we did ๐Ÿ™‚
This is “the Mo” I keep mentioning (we the hardly hang, but always close kinda friends),
 she is a great photographer, even though I always manage to look dorky.
This is the female Rob in my life,
total bff (studied together, work together and were in each others weddings)
We getting clothes and food at the  same time, talk about multitasking ๐Ÿ™‚
“Why so serious”, Joker voice