Weekend in pictures

Apart from being sick most of the week and weekend I also spent some time with two of my favourite people, Kirsten who came over to our place and gave our court yard a bit of a make-over and Kammy who was at her gran’s house (Rob’s mom) when we went over for Sunday lunch… I ended up doing and impromptu shoot Kammy which can be seen at www.mybutterflylens.blogspot.com   have a great week all. . .

Mid week picture time

So I’m trying to turn Wednesday into a kind of show and tell picture day, showcasing some of my favourite pics (taken by me).
These are this week’s pics, a continuation of the stuff I did with Kirsten (my cousin, Che-lynn’s baby) – I’ve included a mom&me spread too.

Belated birthday pics, Kirsten

So even though Kirsten’s birthday was last week, I only just now got the chance to upload some pics 🙂
Can’t believe she is one already, it seriously feels like just yesterday her mom announced she was pregnant, TIME FLIES PEOPLE. . .

Kids say the darnest things

Hanging out with my nieces the other day reminded me of some funny  things they say which you just HAVE to laugh at:
# One day when Rob and I took Taylor out for a meal, her mom teased her before we left and told her to remember to bring her a doggie bag, this was all good and well untill the waitress  asked us for our order and she  loudy proclaimed she wants a doggie for mommy — AWKWARD
# Awkward like  when Kameron and I were in line for a ride at the fair and she loudly asked why the lady behind me stole her aunts top, I had to smile and explain that Kammy’s uncle’s gf had the same top.
# Then there was the time Kirsten ran to close the door in my brothers face (she doesn’t like him much)  and then said byebye, even though he just got there.
# There was also the time when my cousin Janice (5 now, 3 then) asked quite loudly at a  kiddies play I was reviewing why everyone on stage was boring, “they are all boring, I don’t like this, lets go”
# I see Taylor more than I do the others and she always has something to say like, she doesn’t like onions because they make her ma (grand mother) cry, that milk comes from under a cow and that twelve teen comes before thirteen