So what have I been up to?

You all know how I love to feature different people on the blog, a while before I did my No Fear Just Faith series, I did a series on local entrepreneurs, I thought that since I am one now I could answer the same questions for you all…

Besides, people are always asking me, “so what are you up to these days?” the real answer is, I’m a freelance writer [If anyone needs writer, you know where to find me :)] I sew and design for my online store Oh!Boy and I create for a business called Gifts&Goodies which I run with my friend and fellow creative, Jill.

Other questions include
Do you like being at home? It’s the heart of winter so heck yes! and it’s nice to have more time with Aidy, I also adore my little studio/office 🙂
Will you go back to an office setting? In the future I definitely might, right now  if someone offered me half day or 3/4 days a week, I’d probably jump back into my stilettos faster than you can say, office hours, (I do miss people) but I’m happy creating things, really happy, so I’m not complaining… and orders are really coming in which is awesome, I just finished packing 24 fathers day packs [that’s not counting the ones Jill packed] for Gifts&Goodies and have to sew 12 items for Oh!Boy so I’m feeling extremely blessed 🙂

The questions I usually ask:

Tell us a little about yourself?
Don’t feel like I need to answer this one, hehe, I have an about page 😉

Where does your business name come from?
Oh!Boy comes from a baby shower theme we had for a friend 🙂
Gifts and Goodies, comes from a lot of back and forth and settling on something that says it all

How did it come about?
Since I was little I always had this dream of having a shop/brand/business I just recently thought,it’s now or never, I also make a lot of things for Aidan and thought why not branch out and do a line of boys accessories…I’ve been sewing since I was about 11, so it was just a matter of time, hehehe …
With Gifts and Goodies; you guys know I love making things for people, my friend Jill as well, I’ve been doing this on a small scale (gifts, party favors) for ages and so has she (date boxes, gift) so we sort of joined forces. 

How do you decide on products? (Oh!Boy)I kind of go with what I want or wanted for Aidan…mostly I play it by ear as well. (Gifts&Goodies)We knew what we wanted to do, the categories I mean, and from there we work with clients, we just started really, as in last week, so far it’s just been a Father’s Day special….with more to come

Do you design yourself?
(Oh!Boy) Yes. I’m not reinventing the wheel with kids scarves and bowties, but everything has me in it.

Where do you draw inspiration from? In both cases by looking at what people want and PINTEREST I’m also one of those people who look at one think and instantly think how it could work as something else, that helps.

How long does it take to finish an item? The first of everything takes forever!!! but once I get going it really depends on the project, keep in mind I need to watch Disney Junior and play make believe in between as well 😉

What to you is a job well done? Someone appreciating the gift or actually using an item … Got a message that a kid I made a snood for refuses to take it off, that right there warms my heart
What are your dreams for your business? I want a little store!!! one day is one day guys 🙂

Thanks for indulging my little self interview, hehehe


On liking being liked

Not everyone is going to like you & that’s okay….
I’m 30 and still trying to get my heart and head to come to agreements on that one.
I mean seriously I’m not a fb status, I really don’t need to be liked…
It’s weird that I’m not more okay with the whole thing… I was never miss popular at school and even at University I think my popularity was largely based on being friends with quite a few “hot chicks”&”cute guys”.

I often tease that I’m like sushi, you either love me or you can’t stand me, I mean most of my closest friends found me annoying at first, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard people say things like “you’re nicer than I thought”…apparently I’m great once you get past the first opinion (like those fireball sweets??) Im either too chirpy or too stuck up (how is that even possible? People make me sound like a mental cheerleader…. like I’m singing “everything is awesome” while holding up a “you can’t sit with us” sign)

So what’s bringing on this monologue…well I thought I was mature enough to get that some people won’t like me and it doesn’t matter blah de blah, but apparently not so much…I sure as heck don’t like everyone I meet so why should they. I also know that people are often way too busy with their day to day to care about giving offense so I shouldn’t beat them to it and take the offense …..hey luchae (she had a great post on the subject)

I realised in the last week despite my understanding of the situation, I still don’t like when people don’t like me… There was one nurse in particular this weekend who I swear was mentally rolling her eyes every time I spoke…she did the stiff smile, the glazed over look and my small talk was met with plain ignoration…I was taken aback, what did I do to her?!?
At one stage I told Aidan that the nurse would be cross because he was chewing cord of drip and asked her to just tell him not to (just a finger wag because she put it in and he was more likely to stop doing it)…her response “you’re the mother, deal with it” turns on heel and walks off…

I was so taken aback – I wasn’t asking her to parent him,just wanted him to see her agree with me – even so, I realised a part of me wanted her to like me (even though I didn’t particularly like her and overheard her tell another nurse that I was messing with her time by not holding the nebulizer correctly [despite other  nurse in question putting thing in my hand like that] also she kept insinuating that Mrs Meyers(me) gave milk outside of pre set hours, which I did not!…

I felt so confused a mixture of…”she really doesn’t figure into my everyday life so I don’t give a fig” & “what did I do to upset her, oh no! am I horrible?”

I feel like that every time someone unfollows me on Twitter,Facebook,instagram (even worse when I knew the person well) don’t get me started on feelings of inadequacies when I invite someone on fb and they don’t accept (it’s torture on my teenage soul – so much so, I wait for invites and never invite) I just always wonder what I could have done/said to upset them…I have a big thing about being the reason someone is upset,hate the thought

I no longer work for the biggest paper in the region and with that comes a lot of rejection…gone are invites and sucking up from PR people, I’m off the list and out of mind …that was to be expected though, the media world is pretty fickle, I mean I left the office I worked in for ten years with not as much as a farewell card and as a person who was always first in line with byebye gifts and cards I’ll be lying if I said I was not a little hurt.

But you know what? That doesn’t matter I’m not the invites or the messages … I’m just this girl who talks too much and who has amazing people in her life, people who have her best interests at heart at all times…and it reallllly annoys me that I care what others think

I’m much luckier than most(I’m probably gonna get a few WhatsApp messages and emails telling me to stop feeling sorry for myself on the Internet, because I have great friends like that)…I’m a good friend too (says me) yes I probably only know it’s your birthday because of fb and I don’t stay in touch nearly as much as I should but I’m the “drop everything and listen to you vent over snacks kinda friend and I’m always ready to help out so recon their pretty lucky too (hush up, you know you love me) ….

Not everyone is going to like you? And why should they! There are billion dollar industries based on things I don’t like, like coke,crocs and beer.

Eish just wish unfollow didn’t sting…but hey I’m growing! I now realise how silly I’m being… now for my heart to catch up with my head…

When quitting your job get’s real…

I’ve been AWOL this week, which isn’t like me,I have blogged from hospital people!
 I guess with all that has been happening around the country and in my neck of the woods, Nelson Mandela Bay, I just have not been up for anything even blogging…
The xenophobic/afrophobic attacks, destruction of monuments, high-jacking and murder just drains a person, and as a news reporter I’ve been in the thick of things, it’s hard , people complain that the media only show the bad, the destruction the pain, believe me, most of us would be only too happy to write about unicorns and rainbows if people could just kindly stop being A*holes please …

I’ve also been a little emo about leaving my job of ten years and starting life as a WAHM.

Starting this coming week I’m officially starting JustEllaBella Creative Services (Writing, photography, hand crafts – basically everything I love except maybe drinking chai and eating macaroons) can’t wait to share everything with all 🙂

My website is registered and being designed…I have meetings with clients next week!!!
CLIENTS, PEOPLE! a copywriting and a news writing contract I’m pretty positive about – well the copy writing is in the bag, started with the project two weeks ago, we are meeting about a creative shoot for a publication I’m doing all the copy for how awesome is that?
The news writing meeting is me going in and pitching, they like my stuff so far and kinda head hunted me so it’s about to get real peeps!!!

Also my office floor is drying as we speak!!! it’s mostly glass and features a small photo studio so I can use my photography course and new camera …

I know it’s not going to be easy, working for yourself can’t be… because you aren’t really working for yourself are you, you are working FOR your family and FOR your clients so it’s trading in one boss for MANY and sometimes I find myself wondering isn’t it “better the devil you know”

I also know some months will be better than others I’ve seen it with my dad and his business, like they say “As dit pap reen moet jy skep” that’s a Afrikaans saying that seems quite applicable, directly it mean’s if it starts raining porridge start dishing… Which means grab the opportunity when it is presented to you 🙂

I was doubting myself a little last week, some set backs and my dad tells me,
“You know no one will think bad of you if in a year or so you go back to a office setting, then you can think of this as a gap year…We are already proud of you for just having the guts to do this, besides when other kids were saying they wanted to be a doctor or a police officer you said you wanted to do everything you love and have your name on a business, there you go, you succeeded already” 🙂

Love my dad for being so supportive and it makes me even more willing to give this my best shot 🙂

office will have a view of my favourite tree 🙂 see the little supervisor 

So it’s my last week at work…

I’m typing this with a hollow feeling in my stomach! My head feels floaty and I feel the start of a panic attack coming on…
Tomorrow/today (Monday) is the first day of my last day at the office… I walked in there as a 20-year-old, with a print media and a broadcast diploma,black nail polish, a nose ring and a tiny waist… I worked my way up, around and through…
Working there I’ve done stories (everything from riots to cupcakes) gone to amazing places (game farms, fashion weeks and even South America) I took pictures (feeling inadequate with my “mik en druk / point and shoot” compared to photographers with giant lenses)  I did videos (winning in house multimedia competitions a couple of times, I must say) took part in media challenges (won a singing comp in one of those) met amazing  people from (charity workers to celebs) did design and layout for top newspapers and wrote a blog,a column and a fashion match up series I loooved…
all the while my coworkers became friends, then family…
It’s been a crazy ride and in some ways it seems insane to give it all up…
The thing is I have this feeling deep inside that I’m not living my dream (yes hardly anyone ever does – I’m not naive – but I have the chance and would regret not trying) Maybe I just want to find out who I am away from the office.
I do think that having lost loved ones in the last few years many of them young has changed what I want, it’s changed me.
I don’t want to wake up at a crazy hour every morning anymore, I don’t want to drop Aidan off at my mom’s house ridiculously early (him still groggy and confused) so she can handle drop off. I don’t want to come home late every day (especially since we live “outside of town” and I take the train) just in time to fight with him about eating, before bath and bed.
I might change my mind, I may be desperate for air-conditioning and water cooler talk, but right now…before he starts “big school” I want to be home just a little bit more…
Granted I’ll probably be even busier but my “smoke breaks” (I don’t smoke but you get what I mean) will be spent blowing bubbles with my boy and lunch time spent chatting to him…
So starting the first of next month my life will be a whole other (baby attached to my leg,overworked but at least I’m home) ball game.
I’m going to be a freelance writer: have newspaper, copy writing and web work lined up (for general eating and not being put out of our home purposes)
My own online store/brand: launching handmade accessory and gift store with boys in mind, inspired by my munchkin (struggle to find nice accessories and crafts for boys, pink and glitter all around it seems – girls can use too obviously, because not every girl is into pink and pretty)
Crafter for hire: In my limited spare time I’m still gonna do my kids photography, party favors, party games (been doing this now anyway)
Oh and did I mention studying and tutoring is supposed to fit into all of this…
I know it’s ambitious, I know it’s insane but OMW it’s exciting… calling it a pay cut (which crazy person would do that) for a happiness increase (nothing ventured nothing gained)
– My husband and family have been so amazing, supportive and encouraging and some even helping with handmade projects…
– My friends albeit shocked and awed have been awesome too (sidebar: I say awesome way too much for a grown woman)
– Some friends have been a little skeptical; the economy, lack of media jobs, lack of security, stress of working and being home and so on, but I’m not taking on the negative right now (I resigned already anyway, so it’s like telling someone you hate their short hair AFTER they cut off their locks) I’m excited, I’m happy and I’m learning to trust my own abilities …
 Even more so I trust God has my back on this… He has proven time and time again  that his strength is perfect and I’m taking this as a God led project…
Wish me luck guys and you better support my online store 🙂

Things I NEED, okay want…

I was thinking about how life changes, how your needs and wants change and how we are never satisfied, from what I can remember this is what I wanted over the years:

Image result for tire swing

When I was a kid

1. A endless supply of teen literature (yes as a primary school kid)
2. Hair that didn’t need a whole day “wash day”
3. My little cousins to stop following me around
4. Late night TV watching privileges
5. A chemistry set

Image result for teen phone

When I was a teen

1. My first kiss (literally 16 never been kissed over here)
2. To gain weight so clothes actually fit
3. To undo my bad hair cut
4. Invites to the cool parties
5. A cooler cellphone (bratty I know)

When I was a student

1. More hours in the day
2. No curfew
3. Higher paying part time job
4. To pass without going to class
5. More cute clothes

As a newbie adult

1. Shoes
2. Better bad guy radar
3. More hours in the day
4. More money
5. A hairstyle that was stress free



– A recurring thing seems to be the need of more time and manageable hair, what is something you always seem to want?

So you wanna be a WAHM

So I have decided to become a Wahm (Work at home mom)

What brought this on? Well I think I might have hit my head HARD or am in the middle of some existential crisis? hmmmm maybe I have completely lost it but there is a freedom in losing it….
I think it’s more that I have had a lot of loss in my life over a short period of time and am more acutely aware of it being now or never….

After ten years of a permanent 9 (Who am I kidding, 7) to 5 or to 6, 7, 8 I have decided to make things even more difficult for myself and work from home (because trying to make a living with a kid attached to my leg is clearly first prize) – I kid, I’m so excited!!!

I don’t want to jinx things but will say my new position, to be announced from the comfort of my home office (knock on wood) will involve online teaching, freelance writing and a small business I have been dreaming of for years (also I’m studying again)…

The thing is nothing ventured nothing gained, I might be crazy, but I have the support of my husband and parents and believe nothing teaches you to fly quite like being pushed out of the nest.