Photo challenge Day 14, what are you reading

Yes I’m a bad blogger! shame on me!!! I just don’t seem to get around to posting the challenge pics, but in “our” defense we do take the pics (mostly) when we are supposed to, I just don’t get around to posting it..oops
Any who here is today’s challenge pics (and by today I mean two days ago *blush*)

Day 14: What are you reading

Me: Usually I read books all the time, but I’m wayyy too distracted
these days, infact all I have been reading recently is medical bills *bleugh*
Looks like Rob and I will have to start “visiting family” for suppers

Hein’s online reading

Liesl (she also happens to work for these papers
– free advertising there Liesl)

Ronethea, only reads her text books these days

Salama, only gets around to reading emails

Day 13, finally

So I’ve been really bad with posting the picture challenge, so here goes…hoping to be better from here on out. 

DAY 13 : What is inside your bag

newest member to challenge: Carmen


The only boy: Hein




Day 11 and 12

Seriously running behind on the posting of the challenge pics *bad Eleanor*

Day 11 

Your fav school binder, we had no idea where to find these as school is more than slightly in the past, so we showing “binders” we use now:





Day 12

Your favourite shoes

As you can see the only guy in the group opted for Safety when the rest of us chose fabulosity 🙂

My wedding shoes

Hein’s safety shoes from work

Ronethea’s winter lovlies

Sal’s Wicked Wedges

Day 10: Something from your childhood

these arent technically from my childhood,
 but once a bookworm always a book worm

Liesl’s pop up book

Ronethea, remembers childhood games

Jenine, still has her favourite “my little pony”


Something from my childhood: My best friend.
Born in 1978. Friends since 1981.
Destine Scharneck

Day 8: your sky

I have so much blogging to catch up on, really do, but life happens and I’ve been really busy, but so as not to break the chain, here are the sky pictures so long 🙂



Jenine — She’s new 🙂


