a little end of week motivation

So I haven’t blogged in a while…honestly I just don’t have much to say, work has been pretty hectic which means I have been getting home late and tired not to mention I have flu and so do my boys. I’m not complaining-that’s life-I’m just explaining why the blog has been rather *tumble-weed tumble-weed crickets crickets*
I happened to come across some interesting posters on pinterest this morning though and thought I’d share . . .
Have a great Thursday guys, you can practically smell the weekend from here

Back to reality

I took a hiatus from working and blogging and – if things had worked as planned – thinking. But I have one of those over active minds that never shut up! with my Godmothers cancer diagnosis and Rob dealing with the death of his dad, not to mention my paranoia regarding the baba and residual sadness about this year as a whole, I’m pretty sure the week was not nearly enough “down time”
I don’t have much to say this morning, it’s more of a hey I’m back, see you around sort of post…
So hey, see you around 🙂


Here are some quotes that really speak to me, there is one for every day of the week 🙂

One of THOSE days

Im having one of THOSE days you know where it feels like everyone you come across is part of this pact to annoy you…In honour of me being very proud that I have not smacked anyone yet I compiled the following quotes, this way I can vent and no one gets hurt “yet”