Tuesday’s are shoesdays — Going Green

I’m suddenly very into green these days so I figured hey lets add my colour obsession too my ever growing shoe obsession, this is what I found


Tuesdays are Shoesdays, blogger alert: I’m embracing style

Today I’m showcasing one of my all time fav bloggers, Anthea from Embracing Style. I love her because she is not a designer or a fashion writer just this really cool chick who loves fashion and knows what she’s talking about.

Here is what she had to say:

1. You are:
2. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
About 40 pairs
3. Why do you think a great pair of shoes has such an effect on women?
I think it is because shoes are much easier to buy than clothing. It can sometimes be so hard to find the right dress to flatter you and cover your wobbly bits. You can always find a gorgeous pair of shoes and not worry if it is making your bum look big.
4. Which shoe are you still searching for?
I’m still searching for Swedish Hasbeens or look alikes!
5. Which shoe can’t you believe you actually wore
There was this crazy pair of platform boots I wore when I was 15. They were so risque at the time. I was trying to be different.
6. Fav shoe/style quote
“Tights are not pants!” by Blair Waldorf (Gossip Girl)
Anthea’s shoes….

Tuesdays are Shoesdays __ Shoe Shayings, I mean Sayings


Funny that a pair of really nice shoes make us feel good in our heads – at the extreme opposite end of our bodies.  ~Levende Waters

High heels were invented by a woman who had been kissed on the forehead.  ~Christopher Morley

I don’t know who invented the high heel, but all men owe him a lot.  ~Marilyn Monroe

Fashion Law:  If the shoe fits, it’s ugly.  ~Author Unknown

“The fact is, sometimes it’s hard to walk in a single woman’s shoes. That’s why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.” -Jenny Bicks

“A pair of shoes can change your life. Just ask Cinderella.” -Anonymous

“I’ve spent $40,000 on shoes and I have no place to live? I will literally be the old woman who lived in her shoes!” -Sex and the City

“Is it time to go home yet? I keep clicking these damn shoes, but nothing happens”
Robin Hecht quotes

“I still have my feet on the ground, I just wear better shoes.”
Oprah Winfrey quotes

You put high heels on and you change”
Manolo Blahnik

I buy women shoes and they use them to walk away from me.
Mickey Rooney

Quotes from:



Tuesdays are Shoesdays, don’t buy me this

So for today’s shoeday I’m doing things a little bit different. Instead of shoes I’d love to own I’m showcasing shoes you’d have to pay me to wear. Seriously if you are thinking of buying me a gift this is the “dont do it list”. I guess these shoes prob have their place in the world and I’m fine with that as long as that place is not my feet… 😉


from Cafemom.com

Tuesdays are Shoe’s days – The Clair

So years ago I got a job at a radio station (something I always wanted to do and hope to do again some time) and while working there this stunning, sweetheart of a person, Claire Arthur, kinda took me under her wing and showed me the ropes and didnt even get upset when I tripped over these ropes 🙂

Well Claire has always had the best taste in shoes and so it’s only natural that I asked her to share her views on here. (You can catch her on Kingfisher FM these days)

1. You are:
Clair Arthur

2. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

34 (when I buy a pair I try and give a pair away)

3. Why do you think a great pair of shoes has such an effect on women?

Girls like pretty things. We want to be pretty, feel pretty and be seen as pretty. Gorgeous shoes are just an addition to help us get closer to that little pretty girl inside… well that’s how I feel anyway 😉

4. Which shoe are you still searching for?

I don’t go looking for shoes – they come looking for me 😉 ha ha.. just kidding. But seriously I don’t really know what I want until I see it and then once ive tried the shoe on it is all mine!! Then I go home and make it work…

5. Which shoe can’t you believe you actually wore:

I lived in London for a few years and there was this Chinese owned shoe shop on Oxford street that I once visited (ok maybe I visited it more than once). The shoes were so cheap and gorgeous. They had every color boot you can think of (I rather buy many cheap things than one expensive thing – can’t help it – its just how I tick) Anyway I bought a few pairs. A purple pair, green, white and 2 brown pairs. I knew that they wouldn’t last long but while I wore them id feel great. (well almost great) the one day I was walking down the road with the white pair of boots on and my heel got stuck in a drain – long story short – the heel stayed and the boot carried on with me. Limping along it didn’t take long for my trained eye to spot a shoe shop – I pranced straight into the shop and 2 minutes later I was back on the street with another wonderful cheap pair of boots (this pair didn’t have a heel) 😉

6. Fav shoe/style quote:

If the shoe doesn’t fit, must we change the foot?

Gloria Steinem

Claire’s fave shoes:

2 of my fav pairs of shoes J
I found both of them in London

Tuesday’s are Shoesdays: summer drool list

Two points today

Number 1.
 I’m having trouble tracking down fashionistas to show off their shoes so I’ll post it as soon as they can pick their favourites (it’s hard to do, I know)

Number 2.
I’m ready for it to be summer now and in honour of the summer that once was and soon will be, here are some flat sandals I’d love to get into soon. (Funny cos usually I’m not a sandal person)


