Tuesday is shoes day : stacking up

I've always been a bit of a daddy's girl, but he gained some serious brownie points recently when he bought, his three girls (my mom,my sister and myself) new shoe racks.
Yeah! Dad. My sister's is mostly stocked with sneakers and my mom is 50/50 flats and heels, here is mine:
Sorry bout picture quality,light in my bed
room is orange (giant paper lantern) and it’s not working for photos

Have a good shoe day and please let me know how you organise your shoes

Tuesdays are Shoesdays: winter wishes

Today’s shoeday post is more a want than a have. This winter I’m dying for a pair of leather riding boots, I really really am. I can’t even say why I’m suddenly wanting a pair so badly, but I do so I surfed the net to find some options, these are my favourites.

pictures from:


Tuesdays are Shoes days

So what shoes are you wearing today?
Today’s picture looks rather crappy, these shoes are cute I promise! I just couldn’t get a nice shot of them because my phone camera sucks at night and I took this picture last night because I knew I’d forget in the morning. Which means I’m not wearing them, slightly too flashy for a tuesday morning, but remembered about them last night and had to share (will show them on my feet with better light sometime) any way these were a gift from a friend (the female Rob) who actually hates them, but got them for me for my birthday because I think they rock and make me feel like a funky cinderella.

Tuesdays are shoe days : nude heels

HAPPY TUESDAY – what shoes are you wearing?

Today I’m in a pair of nude heels which go with absolutely everything (well I think they do) They are from Edgars and were the last pair of three’s *satisfied evil laugh* I love them even though they not quite the Jimmy Shoo’s below, they are like my consolation untill I win the lottery, hehe

Tuesdays are Shoes days: Suede pumps

Today's shoes are really some of my favs,they suede with a killer heel and you attach these leg warmer type things and they become boots, will show those off next time (I'm on a work trip so don't have them with me) anyway got them at Edgars and love them even though they not quite the suede Christian Louboutin pumps below