Eating and shopping at the same time? I likey

I was saying on Saturday how much I love Deli Street Cafe (went there for lunch on Friday) and my friend just sent me pictures she took there so I thought I’d share:
Mo just basically said, “hey pretty light lets take a pic”
and we did 🙂
This is “the Mo” I keep mentioning (we the hardly hang, but always close kinda friends),
 she is a great photographer, even though I always manage to look dorky.
This is the female Rob in my life,
total bff (studied together, work together and were in each others weddings)
We getting clothes and food at the  same time, talk about multitasking 🙂
“Why so serious”, Joker voice

I’m such a lucky girl

Thank you to everyone who made my birthday special.
This includes:
— Work lunch (thanks mo and robyn-the deli street cafe really rocks, specially fact that you can also buy clothes there and now I have a new dress,yeah me!)
— Night in (thanx sal and maru, hanging out at your place is always an EVENT)
— My family surprising me(impromptu parties are such a Douglas thing)
— both my birthday cakes (Greek chocolate cake-from rob and death by chocolate-from my cousin, Ronethea)
— Great gifts (including, cute clothes frm gfs and a stunning nine west bag from Rob)
— Also a special thanks for all the sweet messages, sms'ed, fb'ed,emailed and bbm'ed. It's so cool to hear how wonderful I am :p hehehe, birthdays always come with the best compliments.

Pre bday

This year I decided not to do a party for my birthday (this sunday) except for a great lunch with friends and drinks yesterday + cool gifts -yeah me!-I decided to become 26 in a very chilled way (not that I normally do big parties, usually I just keep reminding people about my birthday and then don't really celebrate) anyway Robin decided that if I'm not going to do anything big he's going to make my whole weekend special (totally sweet).
So this morning's "special" breakfast was take-away sushi and a chai smoothie.

Have a good Saturday all

Pastel Monday

Could not update yesterday because my phone seems to be very religious and does not work on a Sunday….

Anyway I was having a blue Monday, couldn’t wake up, my oats is too soggy, my to-do list is too long, my shoulder hurts (somehow I woke up on the floor on Saturday morning with my elbow practically lodged in my ear-I assume I was too tired to notice I fell off couch) and I have yet again decide to embark on a get fit and healthy campaign (jaja we all know I mean, toned and sexy).
So I wasn’t all that happy when I arrived at work, until I noticed my flower (which I forgot at work and assumed would have died) bloomed over the weekend and now there are two pretty lilies, this makes me feel like today is already looking up
— have a good one all 🙂