Christmas 2012 in (cellphone) pictures

These are some of the random highlights of the past five days… Pictures are in no order what so ever 🙂

Taylor and Kirsten show off their Christmas dresses

Anthea before Christmas lunch rendered her exhausted
Rob and I, oh my word I’m round and shiny (not long now) –
we are both pretty sunburnt too-no amount of sunblock seems to help 🙁
Rob’s first attempt at a turkey was a winner


My cousin Ronethea (Taylor’s mom)

My parents…as in love as ever

Rob and his brother Allan trying to beat each other up, it’s weird but not uncommon
We spent a day in Jeffereys bay…love that place, here is my sister

My mom and I, my leg is the pasty, swollen one…aaah ankles how I miss you so
We had just come from spending ages in water, which should explain, need of pedicure

Kay-lynn (cuz) , Allister (bro) , Anthea(sis) and Caz-lynn (cuz)

Caz-lynn, Shane (cuz), Kay-lynn, Saeed (sister’s bf) and Anthea

Rob with my dad and uncle in background
My Christmas gift from Robin, I LOVE LOVE that perfume
 and Marian Keyes is my all time favourite author,
so cool that he managed to get me her latest release

Could not resist getting Aidan (what we plan on naming little one) a Christmas gift
look it’s a baby tux pajamas… SOOOO CUTE

My family had a games day yesterday…Rob and I opted out because we are
old and boring, lol, actually I was exhausted and swollen from heat and he
decided to “babysit” me instead. We live next to my parents though so still got to see family

Darts are such a must have with my family, that and dominoes…and cards….
 (actually they just competitive)