Thankful day 4

Today I’m thankful that it’s never too late to find joy…
This comes from earlier when I was crazy busy that kind of busy where you are barely treading water,and you feel like you are filling a bath tub using a medicine dropper because nothing seems to be getting done… I was overwhelmed with too much work and too much of not feeling well (still sickly) so I didn’t think about being thankful!
Because let’s face it when your not feeling well you’re not likely to feel too thankful, but then a blog reader reminded me that I didn’t update my thankful list…I then thought about what I was thankful for today, I wasn’t sure until I realised I was eating a happy meal my hubby bought to cheer me up and I was laying on a GIANT pillow watching tv while listening to my boys play together…and guess what? I’m content, and happy and blessed and it’s never too late in the day to find your joy 🙂 so remember to find your joy wherever you can 😉

Thankful Day 3

This one might sound weird but I’m thankful we named Logan, not everyone does,I have seen many baby graves with just “baby” on, so I’m glad we named him as it has helped with healing and it means I can get a touch of nostalgia when I see his name like on this wine label…Logie Bear, I’m thankful for getting to be your mom, albeit for a short time

Thankful day 2

Today I’m thankful for my job, its not everyone who grows up doing what they did for fun as a kid (I used to design faux newspapers and magazines when I was little…seriously at about 11ish I was handing out monthly family newsletters) now I’m deputy head of design…Yeah me!
I also realise that good jobs are hard to come by due to the current economic climate and talented educated people are sitting at home with no means of income, so I’m thankful for my job even if it can be a bit much at times,hehehe

Day one of Thankful posts

I’ve been crazy emo lately and really want to just snap out of it, so I decided to have a week of thankful posts starting today…
Aidan has his cousins, the ones he is related and who happen to love him like crazy, but he also has “adopted cousins”/friends from birth and for that I’m very thankful.
Two of my best buds, Lyndall and Robyn have kids just a little older than Aidan; Gia, Blake and Riley and then there is our God daughter Zoey….
Even if he ends up being an only child he will never be lonely – not to mention the kids from Mommy Group, my son is very blessed and for that I am very thankful