Picture my weekend

Soooo this weekend was quite sociable,  here are some of the things we got up too:


Amazingly Aidan is tiny in Robs arms and giant in mine – This doesn’t represent something we did , just showing off my little family

Rob’s cousin who was my friend first, well not before they were cousins as they are both older than I am, but I knew her as a friend before I knew her as a “cousin-in-law” (she introduced Rob and I ,actually) well she, Luchae, is getting married, and we had a kitchen tea for her the weekend 🙂 Music themed, as most everything about her is music themed, lol – Congrads and good luck lady
We had our second Mommy Group playdate this past weekend, MUCH FUN! I wore shorts, i know shock horrow, hehehe

picture my weekend :)

I did not get up to much this weekend, it was stormy  and I have a very grumpy teething baby. One of my closest friends got married though and come rain or shine I was not going to miss that.
The beautiful couple, Jemaine and Craig focused on fun for their wedding with impromptu dance moves and a quirky “music video” staring the two of them…Anyone who knows these two would agree it was soo “THEM”
Best of luck for the future guys, hope happiness follows you around like a shadow-even in darkest days where you might not see it, it’s still there (I’m so poetic on a Monday morning, hehe)

(clockwise from pic of me)
1. Aidan came to visit me at work on Friday and was very taken by the place, I’m not surprised as the office has all of his favourite things; computers for pressing buttons, newspapers for shredding and chewing on and people who think he is just too adorable
2. Shame even though he is teething he is such a happy kid, nags and “complains” about pain then just carries on playing. He seems to think his crib is a playpen because once you put him down he is awake and ready to play.
3. I couldn’t resist taking this picture of Sunday morning lay in, they sleep the same, soooo cute!
4. We went to the mall to get some groceries and I couldn’t resist trying out one of those coin operated cars in front of the shops, Aidan loved it, kept trying to put his feet on dashboard though (sidebar: we were then flooded in at the mall and I had to run barefoot-shoe broke-in floor sweeper dress across the parking lot with Aidan in my arms while rob tried to get our shopping and Aidan’s stroller to the car (lucky for us Aidan thought it was great fun)

Just too stunning you guys 🙂
Wish I had a better quality pic, bummer!

My weekend in pics

Aidan had such a blast at Blake and Riley’s party the colours and toys had him hyper!
The kid was chatting away and so excited I was tempted to buy him a swing…but really now
Great party Robyn and Ryan 🙂 *Pictures by my cousin Desthea who does kiddies party shoots with me


The “color run” taught me a few things like, don’t wear new takkies for a 5k, white is not your friend while trying to lose baby weight, contact lenses can randomly fall out of your eyes (like in the movies) and runs like this are a blast

Here is some of the fun over the weekend (pics from my dads party still to come)

Fun on the horizon

So instead of looking back at my weekend [spent in bed because I’m sick] I’m looking forward to a great weekend of events still coming  up, seriously going to be a doozie…time to get my time management skills back on track

Friday it’s my dad’s 50th we going for a 50s diner theme ….very exciting! But also nerve wrecking as there is still so much to do
Saturday morning we will be celebrating Riley and Blake’s 1st birthday J party time for the little ones
Saturday  afternoon it’s my friend Jenine’s birthday, it’s a carnival theme…whoop whoop [jenine is the one on my left in the pic]  
Sunday it’s the color run, yeah color run!!!! Can’t wait  
Then it’s Sunday lunch, a braai hosted by my friend Durelle
Is it possible to be tired already?

Getting ready for my dads birthday
YEAH! for Riley and Blake’s birthday 
One of Aidan’s favourite “aunts” celebrates her birthday
The happiest race on earth-here we come

my weekend in pics. . . . FIRST WEEK BACK

After a long week at work (I’M BACK! AND LEAVING AIDY BREAKS MY HEART, He is coping great and I’m getting used to it though, well I would be coping if the break in routine wasn’t making him nocturnal!!! he eventially falls asleep at 1 or 2 in the morning after much fussing and with Rob and I having to wake up at five – working out of town – we are very zombie like due to this) I had an even longer weekend,with Aidan’s baptism *PROUD MOM* this is our weekend in pictures:

Proud parents at Aidan’s baptism….more pics to come 🙂
Aidy is extremely chuffed with the new “kicks” he got from “Aunty Sal” this weekend

Saturday morning I had a quick planning meeting with Robin regarding baptism ,
we find that if we leave the house early we can get loads more done
so on Saturdays we like to go for breakfast and get day started…otherwise we will lounge in our PJs waiting for better days, lol

I’m having the mini breakfast at Toppary Lane,
its right around the corner from us and a def fav 🙂
Spent Saturday night making things for Aidan’s baptism tea…like this candyfloss bouquet

Friday night was spent at good friends, Sal and Maru’s place where we had breakfast for supper!!! brupper?
I don’t know… it was delicious though, Maru makes a mean omlette and Sal is just a super “french toast in shape of hearts” type of host. Mo, Kiki and Ash were there too…and that’s always a laugh – LOVE U GUYS
Aidy had a bit of a play date with his cousin Cameron on Friday while I was at work….
she is sooo cute with him, dotes like crazy 🙂
how far we have come from first time she saw him and called him a big headed baby…hahahaha, kids for you

Happy Birthday TAYLOR JORDAN

Happy Birthday Taylor
Our little princess is four today (OMW how time flies!!!!)
Every year as part of her birthday celebrations (well for the past two years…and next year in planning) Taylor chooses a birthday cake and we try to recreate it, last year it was a Barbie princess and this year a castle…
She doesn’t want a shop bought one and takes great pride in telling everyone her mommy made it…. And we have a blast making the cake, and although we are faaaaaaar from professional we are thinking of making it a birthday traditions amongst the cousins, for the fun of it … my sister wants us to make sneakers for her birthday I told her she can have the box the shoes came in instead 😉
Cupcakes to take to school, see my artistic work with sprinkles over there

My cousins Nicole (left) and Ronethea.
Ronethea is Taylor’s mom and the one who takes credit for the cake
regardless of whether the cakes work out or not 😉 oooooh the pressure
My sister and I ,
 I’m amazed at how big pregnancy can make you look
 (eating icing probably doesn’t help)
Our Masterpiece that looks nothing like the one in the book, but is cute none the less!


Last year’s cake, minus the crown we later added

